商务英语口语课件丁晶 王淙ISBN 9787566307576 PTTUnit 3 At the Meeting.ppt

商务英语口语课件丁晶 王淙ISBN 9787566307576 PTTUnit 3 At the Meeting.ppt

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Unit 3 At the Meeting by ZhangGuojian ◆ Total= Self- Evaluation×40%+Partner’s Evaluation×30%+Teacher’s Evaluation×30% * * Part 1 Teaching Aims To say sentences usually used at meetings To form conversations unusually used at meetings To form monologues usually used at meetings To make an oral presentation on a meeting occasion Part 2 Useful Sentences Read loudly the following sentences at the meeting and understand their meanings. 1. First of all, please allow me to extend my warm welcome to every representative attending this meeting. 首先,请允许我向参加会议的各位代表致以热烈的欢迎。 2. Above all, I’d like to thank everybody for your presence. 首先,我要感谢各位的光临。 3. Ladies and gentlemen, warmly welcome to the 7th China International Special Automobile Exposition. 女士们先生们,热烈欢迎参加中国第七届国际专用汽车博览会。 4. Dear colleagues, since all of you are here now, let’s get the meeting started right now. 亲爱的同事们,大家都到齐了,我们马上开始开会吧。 5. There are five minutes to go, let’s wait for the coworkers of Technology Department and have a chat freely about the recent market situation first. 还有五分钟,我们等一下技术部的同事,先随便聊聊我们当前的市场行情吧。 6. Ok, it’s the time. I want to finish the meeting at a proper hour, so let’s start now. 好,时间到了,我想在适当的时间结束会议,我们现在开始吧。 7. Well, be quiet please! I want to call the monthly shareholders meeting for Milk Powder Marketing to order. 好,请大家安静,奶粉销售月度股东大会正式开始。 8. Today, we have the following items to discuss according to the agenda. 今天,根据会议议程,我们要讨论的议题如下。 9. John, according to the performance of your department in recent years, what’s your opinion on expanding our present business in Western China rural areas? 约翰,根据你们部门近年来的业绩表现,你如何看待在中国西部农村地区扩展我们的业务? 10. Our president intends to spend on facilities, staff training and advertising in Xi’an-Xianyang New District. Please talk about your opinion about it. 我们董事长打算在西咸新区花钱购置设备、培训员工、做广告,请大家谈谈你们的看法。 11. Does everyone have a copy of marketing plan made by the sales manager? Now let’s discuss it. 大家手边是否都有一份销售经理做的营销计划书了?现在我们讨论一下。 12.


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