商务英语口语课件丁晶 王淙ISBN 9787566307576 PTTUnit 14 Agency.ljun.ppt

商务英语口语课件丁晶 王淙ISBN 9787566307576 PTTUnit 14 Agency.ljun.ppt

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9. call for phr. v. 需求,要求 10. decline [di?klain] vt. 谢绝 11. conservative [k?n?s?:v?tiv] a. 保守的 12. appoint [??p?int] ... as… phr. v. 任命…… 为…… 13. entitle [in?taitl] vt. 给……权利,授权 14. be entitled to… phr. v. 有权…… 15. renew [ri?nju:] vt. 继续;延长有效期 16. expiry [iks?pai?ri] n. 满期,逾期 17. guarantee [?g?r?n?ti:] vt. 保证,担保 18. prospect [?pr?spekt] n. 希望,前景 19. bargainer [?bɑ:gin?] n. 善于讨价还价的人 20. trial period [?trai?l; ?pi?ri?d] phr. n. 试用期 21. modern-simple design phr. n. 现代简约风 格 22. territory [?terit?ri] n. 领土,版图 23. emerging market phr. v. 新兴市场 24. grant [grɑ:nt] vt. 授予,同意,准予 25. submit [s?b?mit] vt. 呈送,提交 26. wholesaler [?h?ul?seil?] n. 批发商 27. retailer [?ri:teil?] n. 零售商 28. premature [?pri:m??tju?] a. 为时尚早的; 不成熟的 29. porcelain [?p?:slin] n. 瓷,瓷器 Part 8 Proverbs The more we do, the more we can do; the busier we are, the more leisure we have. 事越做越会做,人越忙越有空。 Busiest men find the most time. 最忙碌的人找得出最多的时间。 Necessity never makes a bargain.——Benjamin Franklin 急需难买便宜货。——本杰明?富兰克林 The end * Unit 13 Agency by Wang Ni Part 1 Teaching Aims To say sentences about agency To form conversations concerning agency To form monologues about agency To make an oral presentation about agency Part 2 Useful Sentences Read loudly the following sentences about agency and understand their meanings. 1. We feel that your company is the right choice to be our sole agent in your country and we will have the pleasure of offering you a sole agency. 我们觉得贵公司是我们在贵国独家代理的合适 人选,我们乐意让贵公司担任我们的独家代理。 2. Considering your rich experience in the field, we are very glad to appoint you as our sole agent. 鉴于你方在这一领域的丰富经验,我们非常高 兴指定你方为我们的独家代理。 3. Thank you for your good intentions. We’ll consider your request when the chance serves. 感谢你方的好意,有机会我们会考虑你方的要 求的。 4. Thank you for you


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