实用外经贸谈判英语教程课件廖瑛 ISBN9787811348095 PPT PPTLesson 18.ppt

实用外经贸谈判英语教程课件廖瑛 ISBN9787811348095 PPT PPTLesson 18.ppt

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Lesson 18 Joint Venture 合资办企业 New Words and Expressions 1. registered capital 注册资本 2. proposal [??????????] n 提议,建议 3. articles of association 公司章程 4. construction funds 建设资金 5. circulation fund 流通资金 6. lower limit 下限 7. CDMA 码分多路访问(通信) 8. equity [???????] n. 公平, 公正, 公平的事物, 资产净值, [律]平衡法 9. contractual [?????????????] a. 契约的 10. investment [???????????] n. 投资, 可获利的东西 41. auditing [????????] n. 查账,审计,审核 42. welfare [???????] n. 福利,福利事业,社会安全 43. dissolution [????????????] n. 分解,解散 44. liquidation [?????????????] n. 清算 45. manner [?????] n. 礼貌, 风格, 方式, 习惯 46. implementation [????????????????] n. 执行 47. in proportion to adv. 与……成比例 48. registered capital注册资本,登记资本额 49. gross profit 毛利,总利润,利益毛额 50. pursuant to 按照 51. deduction [?????????] n. 减除,扣除,减除额,推论 52. reserve fund 准备金 53. bonus [???????] n. 奖金,红利 54. staff [?????] n. v. 全体职员;供给人员,充当职员 55. venture [???????] n. v. 冒险, 投机, 风险 56. mechanics [?????????] n. (用作单数)机械学,(用作复数)技巧, 结构 57. renovation [?????????????] n. 革新 58. prohibit [?????????] v. 禁止,阻止 59. procurement [????????????] n. 获得,取得 60. auxiliary [???????????] a. 辅助的,补助的 81. exempt [????????] v. a. 免除;被免除的 82. put one’s mind at rest 静下心来 83. nationalize [???????????] v. 国有化 84. requisition [????????????] n. v. 正式请求,申请,命令,征用,通知单;征用,要求 85. stable [???????] a. 稳定的 86. comparatively [?????????????] adv. 比较地,相对地 87. moderate scale 中等尺寸,中等规模 88. circulating capital 流动资本 89. prosperity [???????????] n. 繁荣 90. stability [??????????] n. 稳定性 91. premises [?????????] n. [复] 房屋基地 92. allocated [?????????] v. 分派,分配 93. receipt [???????] n. v. 收条,收据,收到 94. currency [????????] n. 流通 95. percentage [??????????] n. 百分数,百分率,百分比 96. guidance [????????] n. 指导,领导 97. in accordance with adv. 与……一致, 依照 1. Introduction Joint ventures are classified into two categories: Equity Joint Venture and Contractual Joint Venture. Both of them are the means for introducing foreign investment in China. 合资企业可分为两大类:合资经营企业和合作经营企业。在我国,它们都是吸收外资的方式。 1) Equity Joint Venture An equity joint venture



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