商务英语口语实训上册课件魏正珠主编 ISBN9787566302229 PPTUnit09.ppt

商务英语口语实训上册课件魏正珠主编 ISBN9787566302229 PPTUnit09.ppt

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Unit Nine Price 商讨价格 Part one Warm-up: (1) As a buyer, if you are going to lower the price of the products of the seller, what and how would you say to him? Discuss this question with your partners. Reference Answers I think you are well informed about the market for laptops. Some American firms are offering the same products at much lower prices. 我认为你们已充分了解市场上笔记本电脑的行情。一些美国公司以更低的价格提供相同的产品。 Your price is still on the high side even if take quality into consideration. 即使我们考虑到质量问题,你们的价格还是偏高。 Compared with other suppliers, your price is rather on the high side. Are you negotiable? 与其它供应商相比,你们的价格相当高。在价格方面可以商量吗? Key Word(s): negotiate the price 商谈价格 Lets talk about the price, whats your quotation?我们讨论一下价格问题吧,你们的报价是多少? Negotiate the price and a discount.商讨价格和折扣。 We need to negotiate the price.价钱上还需要谈谈。 We would like to negotiate the price first.我们希望先商谈一下价钱。 Key Word(s): best price/minimum price/rock bottom price/bedrock price/base price 最低价 Whats your best price for that item? 这种货你们最低价是多少? Sorry. This is our best price.对不起,这是我们最低的价格了。 Is this your best price?这是你们的最低价吗? Key Word(s): ceiling price/maximum price 最高价 Price ceiling is a legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold.价格上限是一个法律上的最高价,在此基础上货物可以可以出售。 Even quality goods must have a price ceiling.即使商品质量好, 也不能漫天要价。 Well, since you deal with us so sincerely, we will reduce the price ceiling as much as we can .不过,既然你这么有诚意与我们做生意,那么我们也尽我们所能,最高限度把价格降低。 Key Word(s):average price 平均价 It depends on the quantity you request. Our average price is 10 dollars per ton.这要视乎你的订货量,一般价格是每吨10元。 The average price for the toys on the list is just over £26--about £6 less than two years ago.名单上所列玩具的平均价格只有26英镑,与两年前同类产品的平均价格相比下降六镑。 We plot them as lines on price charts, each of whose points reflects the latest average price.我们用价格图上的均线来表示,它们反映了最近的平均价格。 Key Word(s):unit price 单价 Unit price is the price of every piece of commodity.单价是每单位商品的价格。 Thirteen dollars is the unit price.单价为十三美元。 The unit price is eighty U. S. dollars


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