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Catch-22 by Joseph Heller ; Black humor in Catch-22 《第22条军规》中的黑色幽默;Brief introduction to the author;Literary Achievements;Summary of the novel:;故事发生在地中海的一个小岛上,第二次世界大战末期,美军的一个飞行大队驻扎在该岛上。按一般规定,飞满规定次数(最初为25次)的飞行员可以回国,但军规实际上规定,无论何时,必须执行司令官命令做的事情。飞行大队的指挥官凯斯卡上校(卡思卡特上校)是个官迷,他一次一次增加飞行任务,远远超出一般规定。飞行员们都得了恐惧症,变得疯疯癫癫。尤其是投弹手尤塞恩(尤索林,约塞连)上尉,更是终日惶惶不可。在求生欲望的支配下,他在战斗中只想逃命。他装病躲进医院,不久被密探和一个充满“爱国热情”的伤兵吓跑了。他找到一个军医帮忙,想让他证明自己疯了。军医告诉他,虽然按照所谓的“第22条军规”,疯子可以免于飞行,但同时又规定必须由本人提出申请,而如果本人一旦提出申请,便证明你并未变疯,因为“对自身安全表示关注,乃是头脑理性活动的结果”。这样,这条表面讲究人道的军规就成了耍弄人的圈套。当飞行员们出生入死时,那些指挥官们却忙于勾心斗角,还和神通广大的食堂伙食兵米洛组成了一家联营公司MM企业,大作投机生意,发战争财。尤塞恩目睹了这种种荒谬的现实,最后在同伴们的鼓励下,他逃往中立国瑞典去了。;Translation of the novel;;The Background of Catch-22 ;Black humor in catch-22; The writer directly exposes every real aspect of American bureaucracy society after WWII by depicting those people in single of multiple dimensions. For example: Yossarian, a typical anti-heroic character of black humor, is the protagonist in Catch-22. Yossarian had a lot of heroic characteristics, for instance, he was very smart and knew the world literature very well. But most of his behaviors are regarded as immoral and coward He tried many ways to be proved that he is a insane so that he can be exempted from flying any mission. The canteen Minder Milo is a calculating entrepreneur. He engaged in speculation in the name of food purchasing. He even established a multinational corporation in this way. He smuggled goods through planes and even employed the enemy’s planes to transport for his company. What was more ridiculous is that he bombed his own airfield when the enemy-Germans offered him more profit. However, such a capitalist who ignored the soldiers’ lives, became an international celebrity. ;The Theme of this Novel;The development of the novel can be split into multiple segments. The first (chapters 1–11) broadly follows the story fragmented between characters, but in a single chronological time in 1943. The second (chapter


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