商务英语阅读下册课件第二版国晓立 周树玲ISBN 97875663020unit 9.ppt

商务英语阅读下册课件第二版国晓立 周树玲ISBN 97875663020unit 9.ppt

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Unit Nine Teaching Objectives 了解保险的定义和主要分类 了解中国保险业现状 掌握有关保险的术语 Teaching Emphases insurance policy premium insurance coverage insurable interest subject matter Content Text Fast Reading I Fast Reading II TEXT General Introduction to Insurance Pre-reading questions 1. How is insurance related to each individual? 2. What is the status quo of insurance industry in China? Language points policy ----- n. a written contract or certificate of insurance. 保险单,保险契约:一张书面的保险契约或证明 e.g. insurance policy保险单 policy holder保单持有人 ----- n. a plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters: 政策:一个计划或行动路线,如政府、政党或企业的计划或行动路线,意在影响和确定决定、行动和其它事情 e.g. American foreign policy 美国的对外政策 Language points Premium ---n. the amount paid or payable, often in installments, for an insurance policy. 保险金:为保险单而通常分期支付的钱 ---n. a prize or an award. 奖品或奖赏 Language points deductible ------adj. That can be deducted, especially with respect to income taxes: 可减免的:可扣除的,尤指收入所得税可减免的: e.g. deductible expenses.可减免的花费 ------ n. a clause in an insurance policy that exempts the insurer from paying an initial specified amount in the event that the insured sustains a loss. 扣除条款:保险单内的条款之一,免除保险人对被保险户承受的损失赔偿最初的规定的金额 Language points coverage -----n. the extent or degree to which something is observed, analyzed, and reported 范围:观察、分析和报道某事物的范围或程度: e.g. complete news coverage of the election. 关于选举的全部新闻报道 ----- n. inclusion in an insurance policy or protective plan. 保险项目:某一保险单或担保方案所包含的内容 ------n. the extent of protection afforded by an insurance policy. 保险范围:保险单内所提供的承保范围 Language points interest ------n. regard for ones own benefit or advantage; self-interest 利益:对自身的好处或利益的考虑;私利: e.g. It is in your best interest to cooperate. She kept her own interests in mind. 合作对你最有利。她心存私欲 insurable interest 可保利益 -------n. a right, claim, o


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