实用外事接待英语口语课件肖文萍 ISBN9787811346701 PPTlesson 9.pptVIP

实用外事接待英语口语课件肖文萍 ISBN9787811346701 PPTlesson 9.ppt

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Lesson 9 Dealing with Emergency Case Spoken English of Foreign Affairs Objectives Know how to deal with emergencies, and help the guest in case of emergency, especially when the guest gets sick; Use the good language expressions of reassuring the guest when he’s worried or anxious, expressing your concern when the guest doesn’t feel well; Interpret the dialogue between the guest and the doctor. Dealing with emergency case Foreign travelers or short-term visitors who need to see a doctor probably may go to hospital according to the seriousness of their illness: outpatient service, emergency treatment or hospitalization. The outpatient departments are set up for foreign guests in the Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital, the Dongzhimen Hospital of Chinese Medicine and the Stomatological Hospital. 外国游客或其他临时访问北京的外国朋友,需要在北京看病时根据病情,可去医院门诊、急诊或住院。北京的协和医院、中日友好医院、东直门中医医院、口腔医院等都有外宾门诊部。 Part I: in the guest room 1 I’m very sorry that you are ill. 2 I’m sorry to bother you. 3 no bother/trouble at all. 4 we are worrying about you. How do you feel? 5 we suggest that you go to hospital. 6 It’s the best of its kind. Part 2 at the hospital 1 what’s the matter with you sir? 2 when did you begin to feel like this? 3 did you suffer from the same problem before? 4 do you have a headache or a stomachache? May I take your blood pressure? I’ll check your heart I must have you x-rayed No problem with your heart, nor with your lung and trachea. It’s just a … Don’t worry. It’s not a serious problem. Just have some medicine and a good sleep, then, you’ll be quite all right. Part 3 visiting the patient the next day How are you feeling now? Now you have recovered and everyone is happy. Have a rest for one day. I think beautiful scenery can make you healthier. You know, yesterday we were really frightened. No trouble at all. We were just concerned for your health. I think it is because we’ve got a tight schedule in these



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