实用外事接待英语口语课件肖文萍 ISBN9787811346701 PPTlesson 16.pptVIP

实用外事接待英语口语课件肖文萍 ISBN9787811346701 PPTlesson 16.ppt

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Lesson 16 Seeing Off Spoken English of Foreign Affairs Objectives: Know the working skills and procedures of seeing off; Know how to sign a memo with the foreign guest. Learn the language expressions used when seeing off. Tips: 话别,亦称临行话别。与来宾话别的时间,一要讲究主随客便,二要注意预先相告。最佳的话别地点,是来宾的临时下榻之处。在接待方的会客室、贵宾室里,或是在为来宾饯行而专门举行的宴会上,亦可与来宾话别。参加话别的主要人员,应为宾主双方身份、职位大致相似者,对口部门的工作人员。接待人员,等等。话别的主要内容有:一是表达惜别之意,二是听取来宾的意见或建议,三是了解来宾有无需要帮忙代劳之事,四是向来宾赠送纪念性礼品。 应当在外宾登机之前到达机场或车站、码头。若安排有欢送仪式,则应当在仪式开始前 到达。送行人员应按身份高低排成一列与外宾握别,并简短表示良好的祝愿或欢迎再次来访。飞机启动后,应该挥手告别,直至望不见时才离去。为来宾送行之际,对于送行人员在礼节上有着一系列的具体要求。一是要与来宾亲切交谈。二是要与来宾握手作别。三是要向来宾挥手致意。四是要在对方走后,自己才能离去。 Part 1 At the Conference Room Words, phrases and sentences: How is your sightseeing? I felt reluctant to be back here in the office. If you made us the sole agent in China… Have you confirmed your ticket? Part 2 Sign the Memorandum Words, phrases and sentences: We prepared a rough draft of the memorandum. Would you mind replacing the word ‘promise’ by ‘suggest’? It will be finished in no time… We would like to accompany you to the airport. Part 3 Seeing-off at the Airport Words, phrases and sentences: I have to buy the departure tax. I’d like to say it has been a very pleasant and productive trip for me. Your company has left me a very good impression… You are really very helpful and thoughtful. We wish you a safe and pleasant journey home. A sample dialogue at the farewell banquet: A: Good morning, Mr. White, Im glad youve come. B: Good evening, Mr. Yang, Its very kind of you to invite me to dinner tonight. A: Sit down , please, The dinner will be ready in a few minutes. B: Thanks A: You look really smart tonight in these clothes, It fits you perfectly. B: Thank you. A: Its a pity that youre leaving us to tomorrow. B: Im sorry to leave you too. A: Hope youll vist Guangzhou AGAIN, B: Sure . A sample dialogue at the farewell banquet: A: Now the dinner is ready .Mr. White. Please come to the table. Take a seat her



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