对外经贸英语函电第四版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787811343946 PPT Chapter SixLesson 34.pptVIP

对外经贸英语函电第四版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787811343946 PPT Chapter SixLesson 34.ppt

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I. About the letter: It is very important in our business routine to peruse carefully the L/C we received, because shipment is to be made in strict accordance with the clauses called for therein. Should we find anything wrong in the L/C or not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract, we have to fax the buyers and ask for amendment immediately. When asking for amendment to an L/C, it is essential to: 1) thank the customer for the L/C you received and give a detailed description about it. 2) give the reason why you ask the customer to amend the L/C. 3) tender apologies, should we be the responsible party. If not, omit. 4) express your good will to make prompt shipment. II. Additional Notes: 1. amendment n. 修改,修改书 amend v. 修改 As there is no direct steamer available this month, please make amendment to the relative L/C, to allow transshipment at Hongkong. 因为本月没有到你港的直达轮,请修改相关信用证允许在香港转船。 As there is no direct steamer to Indian ports, please fax amendment to L/C No. 123 immediately, allowing transshipment. 因为没有到印度港口的直达轮,请传真来第123号信用证的修改书,允许转船。 You are requested to make the necessary amendments immediately because the goods are ready for shipment. 因为货物已备妥待运,所以要求你方立即做出必要的修改。 We have instructed our bank to amend the L/C, as allowing partial shipment and transshipment. 我们已通知我方银行修改信用证,允许分批装运和转运。 Please amend your L/C No. 456 allowing partial shipment so that we may arrange shipment as soon as the goods are ready. 请修改第456号信用证允许分批装运以便我们在货物备妥 安排装运。 2. transshipment Unless the customer requires transshipment, we usually make a direct shipment. 除非顾客要求转运,我们通常采用直运的方式。 Your request that transshipment should be made at Hongkong is acceptable. 你方在香港转船的要求可以接受。 transship vt. 转船,转运 Owing to port congestion, we have to transship the goods to ensure timely delivery. 由于港口拥挤,我们必须转运,以确保及时交货。 3. partial shipment 分批装运 To make it easier for us to get the goods ready for shipment, we hope that partial shipment is allowed.



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