对外经贸英语函电第四版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787811343946 PPT 第5 7章pptChapter 5.ppt

对外经贸英语函电第四版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787811343946 PPT 第5 7章pptChapter 5.ppt

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Six copies of the bills of lading Five copies of the commercial invoice, CIF Tianjin Insurance Certificate for USD128,300 Certificate of Origin Certificate of Quality The credit will cover the invoices, discount, and any other banking charges. Please fax us your confirmation of the order and hope the order can be delivered within next six weeks. Yours faithfully, Chinese Version: 敬启者: 在上周的东京国际汽车展览会上,我方与你方代表贝格曼先生进行交谈,他向我方展示了你方生产的雪地汽车,并告知我方你方的交易条款。 我方对这种汽车很感兴趣,并希望试订购十台。由于冬季还有几周就要过去了,我方随函附上要求立即交货的第98912号订单。 由于贝格曼先生承诺你方可以供现货,我方已通知我方银行,中国银行天津分行,开立了以你方为受益人的金额为108,000美元的保兑、不可撤销信用证。该信用证有效期为2008年12月1日。 你方可向我方代理开立发票金额的60天期汇票,同时提 交以下单据: 提单六份 CIF天津的商业发票五份 金额为128,300美元的保单 原产地证明 质量证明 该信用证将包括发票金额、折扣和一切其他费用。请电传确认我方订单,希望我方订购货物能在未来六周内交货。 谨启 Optional Letter Dear Sirs,   In the past, our purchases of steel pipes from you have normally been paid by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit. This arrangement has cost us a great deal of money. From the moment we open the credit until our buyers pay us, it normally ties up funds for about four months. This is currently a particularly serious problem for us in view of the difficult economic climate and the prevailing high interest rates. If you could offer us easier payment terms, it would probably lead to an increase in business between our two companies. We propose either cash against documents on arrival of goods,?or?drawing on us at three months’ sight. We hope our request will meet with your agreement and look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Chinese Version: 敬启者: 我方过去使用保兑的不可撤销的信用证向你方购买钢板。 按此种方式支付,我方开支实为过大。从我们开出信用证到客户向我们付款,占压资金约达四个月之久。在目前的情况下,由于恶劣的经济环境及银行利息之高,这一问题使我们特别感到有压力。 如你方放宽支付条件,我们确信这一通融将给我们两公司带来更多的业务。我们建议采用货到后凭单付款或开具见票三个月付款的汇票向我方索款。 我方希望此要求能得到你方同意,盼早复。 谨启 CHAPTER FIVE PAYMENT L



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