高级商务英语听说大纲课件教案 试卷 江春 ISBN 9787810786515 eng301j_kj_06.pdf

高级商务英语听说大纲课件教案 试卷 江春 ISBN 9787810786515 eng301j_kj_06.pdf

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Unit 6 Advertising Appeals Advertising Appeals ——Image Personality ——Image Personality 广告诉求——形象和性格 广告诉求——形象和性格 University of International Business and Economics Learning objectives In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to advertising. Students will be able to discuss different types of advertising appeals and the importance of image and personality to a product. University of International Business and Economics Background reading Notes: 1. mix 组合,混合mix mixture or combination of things or people 2. publicity (向新闻界散发的)宣传材料;广告publicity (business of) providing information in order to attract public attention; advertising 3. fade 逐渐消失 fade (away) disappear gradually (from sight, hearing, memory, etc); become instinct 4. As evening came, the coastline faded into darkness. 5. upkeep 保养;养护;维修upkeep (cost or means of) keeping sth in good condition and repair; maintenance 6. word of mouth 口头推荐, 口碑 University of International Business and Economics 7. Pompeii 庞贝 Ancient city of Campania, Italy, 14 miles (23 km) southeast of Naples, at the southeastern base of Mount Vesuvius. Pompeii was not only a flourishing port but a prosperous resort with many villas. The habits and manners of life in Roman times have been revealed in great detail at Pompeii by the plan of the streets and footpaths, the statue-decorated public buildings, and the simple shops and homes of the artisans. 8. agency 代办;经销处agency business or place of business providing a service 9. broker 经纪人;中间人broker person who buys and sells things (eg shares in a business) for others 10. take over 接收,控制,管理take sth over gain control of or acquire University of International Business and Economics 11. The firm has


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