高级商务英语听说大纲课件教案 试卷 江春 ISBN 9787810786515 eng301j_kj_12.pdf

高级商务英语听说大纲课件教案 试卷 江春 ISBN 9787810786515 eng301j_kj_12.pdf

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Unit 12 On the Business Legal Front On the Business Legal Front On the Business Legal Front 站在商业法律前沿 站在商业法律前沿 站在商业法律前沿 University of International Business and Economics Learning objectives 1. In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to business law. 2. Students will be able to talk about issues related to business laws. University of International Business and Economics Comprehension Questions: 1. What were the reasons that the spouse of the worker lashed out against EA? The reason is that her husband worked overtime without payment and additional vacation. 2. When was this complaint formally filed and what did they want to achieve? It is on July 29, 2004 the complaint was filed and the purpose is to recover the money plaintiffs feel is owed to them. University of International Business and Economics 3. What are the legal proceedings to start a class- action lawsuit? To initiate a class-action suit, a group must first be certified as a “class” by the court. 4. What was EA’s position to react to react to the upcoming lawsuit? EA denies plaintiff’s claim. It is EA’s position that it treats its employees fairly and lawfully, and that it has properly classified its employees within the meaning of the law. EA will not retaliate against employees for exercising legal rights, including by participating in the proposed class action. University of International Business and Economics Part A First listening: listen for the gist • What is the main idea of news item one? Electronic Arts, the worlds biggest video game company, said Wednesday that it will pay $15.6 million to settle a lawsuit filed by current and former graphic artists seekin


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