英汉汉英口译基础教程课件孙亚主编 ISBN9787811344998 正文Unit 8.pptVIP

英汉汉英口译基础教程课件孙亚主编 ISBN9787811344998 正文Unit 8.ppt

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英汉汉英口译基础教程 Unit 8 Tourism Exchange A. Individual Work: Presentation Topic: I Want to Visit … (Again). Brainstorming clues: landscape, unforgettable, breath-taking, picturesque, dreamy, tranquil, scenery, buildings, people, local customs, taboos… B. Group work: Reading and Discussion 1. What do you know about New York? 2. Why do you think it is called the Big Apple? C. Group work: Four-cornered Dialogue Interpretation Difficult Sentences 据联合国世界旅游组织所说,大概在2015年,中国的出境游人数将位列世界第四,而原本预计到了2020年中国出境游的人数才可能达到这一水平。 According to world tourism organization of UN, by 2015, the number of outbound tourists in China will rank No. 4 worldwide; however, this figure, originally, is expected to be reached by 2020. 我想正是这一潜力使得一年一度的北京旅游博览会吸引了越来越多国家的参展商来中国介绍他们国家的旅游项目吧! In my opinion, it is just this potential that appeal to more and more countries to attend the annual Beijing Tourism Expo where they can introduce their traveling program to China. D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation Text one Note-taking If you are visiting and have no luggage, you naturally do not tip him for simply opening the door for you. When the doorman calls a taxi for you, tip him $1 to $3. The amount usually goes higher if he must stand in the rain for a while to get a cab. When the bellman does something special for you, such as making a purchase or bringing something you have requested to your room, instead of room service deliveries, he or she should be tipped $ 2 to $ 3 for every service. D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation Text one Note-taking Give the maid her tip in person, if you meet her. If not, put it in a sealed envelope marked “chambermaid”. If you are in your room when your cleaning and pressing is delivered, however, tip $ 1 for the delivery of one or two items, more when several items are being delivered. If you are staying in an American -plan hotel where your meals are included in your total bill, tips are as usual. D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation Text


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