国际商务英语口语实训课件朱扬琼 ISBN9787566305176电子教案Nine.ppt

国际商务英语口语实训课件朱扬琼 ISBN9787566305176电子教案Nine.ppt

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Chapter IX Miscellaneous Materials [ Aim] ■ To familiar with some different trade forms ■ To writer letters for some different trade forms [ Main Difficult Points] ■ Agency ■ Joint venture 导入 合资企业AB革制品有限公司自营进出口皮手套多年,一直希望增加品种、提高产品档次及生产效率,但国内欠缺高档皮源,且公司资金不足。意大利某公司与AB公司在手套业务的合作中,对该公司严谨的生产管理、业务操作及信誉非常满意,欲与其进一步合作。经协商,意方提供技术支持、进口设备及皮革和部分订单;中方提供厂房、场地、基础设备、员工、管理组建合资企业。每年年底根据当年利润按比例分成,期限为六年。对于意方订单,按照来料加工的方式操作:意方提供原辅料,中方负责生产、进出口手续,加工费按具体订单核算;对于引进的设备、技术费用,按照补偿贸易操作:以皮衣加工费FOB价的10%,分三年还清;对于中方其他客户订单所需的进口皮革,均委托意方代理采购。 启示 在具体业务操作中,应积极考虑采用多种贸易方式来吸引客户、引进技 术、设备、进行融资,以增强企业的竞争力并拓展业务。上述案例中合资企业AB采用了灵活的贸易方式,既帮助了AB公司解决了实际问题,又获得了稳定的客户,并开拓了业务的广度和深度,使企业有了更大的发展空间。 Brief Introduction International business has extended to include: ■ The manufacture of products and their import and export from one counter to another; ■ The moving of people and technologies between countries ■ The establishment of joint venture, agency, processing and assembling with the supplied materials or parts, compensation trade, etc. Content ■ Compensation trade ■ Agency ■ Processing trade ■ Joint venture ■ Invitation to bid (A) Asking for Sole Agency (B) A Reply [Aim] To understand Agency and write a letter asking for Sole agency. [Main Difficult Points] How to persuade the expected principal to grant you agency. Content ■ Brief introduction ■ Language points ■ Useful sentences ■ Summary of the letter ■ Summary of business ■ Writing skills ■ Training in class ■ Homework Brief Introduction Agency of international business The right granted by the principal to a foreign dealer through agreement or contract to buy and/or sell exclusively certain commodities. Categories of agent general agent/commission agent sole agent/ exclusive agent brokers factors forwarding agents An agency agreement may cover The nature of the agency The duration of the agency agreement The territory to be covered The duties of agent and principal The method of purchase and sale The price


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