商务英语课件谢毅斌 ISBN9787811342208 PDFeng451j_ja_02.pdfVIP

商务英语课件谢毅斌 ISBN9787811342208 PDFeng451j_ja_02.pdf

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《商务英语》 授课教案 Chapter 2 Needs and Wants I. Learning Objectives To learn about what are basic human needs and wants; To understand the definitions of “needs” and “wants”; To realize how a qualified exporter could make full use of the theory of needs and wants in business To grasp the main idea and the structure of the text; To master the usage of key special terms, words and phrases in this chapter; To conduct a series of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating activities concerned with the theme of the chapter.  II. Introduction 1. Our wants seem to be never-ending,when one want is satisfied , another one will emerge immediately. So it’s very important for the producers and the dealers to make clear what people want and understand the trend of wants, for only in this way can they insure their goods are saleable. 人的需求永无止境,一 个需求得到了满足紧接着又会出现另一个需求。清楚人们需要什么,了解人们的需求动向,对 生产商和经销商都是很重要的,因为只有这样才能确保他们的商品畅销。 III. Main points of the text: 1. What is a want. 2. What basic human needs are. 3. Product adaptation to suit customers’ needs. IV. Background and terminology 1. buying power 购买力,证券交易所中可以用保证金购入的限额 2. earning capacity 利润率, 收入额 3. export market needs 出口市场的需求 4. export product 出口产品 5. product adaptation 产品调整 6. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Physiological Needs: such basic needs as food, clothing, shelter Safety Needs: A need to be free of the fear of physical danger and deprivation of the basic physiological needs;/ a need for self-preservation (able to maintain their property and/or job so they can provide food and shelter tomorrow and the next



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