商务英语综合教程第三册课件曹瑞明主编 ISBN9787566304865 PPTUnit 2 International Marketing.ppt

商务英语综合教程第三册课件曹瑞明主编 ISBN9787566304865 PPTUnit 2 International Marketing.ppt

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Unit 2 International Marketing (7) (1) Are you ready to participate in the mad shopping frenzy that we partake in every year, not only on Black Friday but all holiday season long? 不只在“黑色星期五”而是在所有节日季都加入我们每年都会参加的购物狂潮,你,准备好了吗? (2) Black Friday is one of the most important days for retail chains because it indicates what they can expect during the next month of holiday shopping —their most lucrative time of year. “黑色星期五”对大型零售连锁企业来说是最重要的日子,因为这一天预示他们在未来一个月的假日销售情况,而假日期间通常是一年中最赢利的时候。 Unit 2 International Marketing (8) fall 适逢 (某日) If a celebration or other special event falls on a particular day or date, it happens to be on that day or date. The oddly named Quasimodo Sunday which falls on the first Sunday after Easter. 被古怪地命名为“卸白衣主日”是复活节后的第一个星期天。 (2) National Day falls on a Monday this year. 今年国庆节是星期一。 Unit 2 International Marketing (9) 2. E-commerce holds particular appeal in straitened times as it enables people to compare prices across retailers quickly and easily. Buyers can sometimes avoid local sales taxes online, and shipping is often free. No wonder, then, that online shopping continues to grow even as the offline sort shrinks. 在经济大环境恶化的背景下,电子商务具有独特的优势:消费者可以轻松快捷地货比三家。有时在网上购物可以避开当地营业税,而且通常免邮费。这就难怪网络销售可以在即使实体店销售萎缩的情况下仍然保持增长。 Unit 2 International Marketing (10) appeal vi. 呼吁,恳求;上诉;诉诸, 求助; 有吸引力,迎合爱好 n. 呼吁,请求;吸引力,感染力 (1) Both these things appeal to him. (vi.) 这两样都对他有吸引力。 (2) But I appeal to you to think of our children. (vi.) 但是,我呼吁你们想想我们的孩子。 (3) The right of individuals to appeal to a higher court is provided for in the constitution. (vi.) 个人向上一级法院提出上诉,这是宪法所赋予的权利。 (4) Nostalgia is a big part of the appeal, but not all of it. (n.) 他说怀旧是吸引力中的一大部分,但不是全部。 Unit 2 International Marketing (11) No wonder 难怪;并不奇怪 (1) It should be no wonder that you have not mastered the understanding of them all. No one ever will. 难怪大家没有全部掌握并理解这些知识,因为根本就没人能做得到嘛! (2) No wonde



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