商务英语综合教程第四册课件袁宏智 ISBN9787566304872 PPTUnit 5 Product Packaging.pptx

商务英语综合教程第四册课件袁宏智 ISBN9787566304872 PPTUnit 5 Product Packaging.pptx

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Unit 5 Product Packaging ;;Warm-up Activities;II. Group work Packing plays a very important role in marketing, especially in modern society where various materials are more available. Work in small groups, discussing the packages which have impressed you very much and what kind of role they have played in marketing. III.Think about and then make a list of Some of the well-known packages. .;Background Information ; Notes of Text 1. The Green Dot: the license symbol of a European network of industry-funded systems for recycling the packaging materials of consumer goods. The logo is trademark protected worldwide 绿点标志 2. bar code: an optical machine-readable representation of data, which shows data about the object to which it attaches 条形码 3. shelf life: the length of time a packaged food or drug will last without deteriorating 保质期;Text analysis;;;;;;Text analysis;;;Text analysis;;Text analysis;Text analysis;;Text analysis;;Exercise: I. Answer the following questions according to the text:;;;Word Practice Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text. The initial letter of each word has been supplied for you.;6. We shall be glad to know whether you can undertake insurance of wine against all risks, including breakage and p________. 7. C________ drugs are sold under the names of real medicines. They often contain no active substance, or not enough to work. 8. Your list might include such things as cost c________, quality, or customer satisfaction. 9. This department is responsible for civil affairs, labor and social security, and development of t________ industry. 10. If you have a high school diploma and good people skills, c________ can take as little as six months. ;;4. Money market does not ________ a single place. Instead, it is a series of market linked by telephone. 5. The disappearance of the papers has never been ________. 6. Some countries want to ________ this organization. 7. The project was outlined ________ available funds. 8. His remarks didn



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