商务英语综合教程第四册课件袁宏智 ISBN9787566304872 PPTUnit 8 Promotion.pptx

商务英语综合教程第四册课件袁宏智 ISBN9787566304872 PPTUnit 8 Promotion.pptx

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Unit 8 Promotion ;;Warm-up Activities;II. Group work Work in small groups, discussing how promotional strategies convince customers to make a buying decision. III.Think about and then make a list of different promotional strategies you know in daily life.;Background Information ;;Notes of Text 1. not-for-profit organization (non-profit organization): an organization that uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals rather than to distribute them as profit or dividends. While not-for-profit organizations are permitted to generate surplus revenues they must be retained by the organization for its self-preservation, expansion, or plans. NPOs have controlling members or boards. Many have paid staff including management, while others employ unpaid volunteers and even executives who work without compensation (or that work for a token fee, such as $10 per year). Where there is a token fee, in general, it is used to meet legal requirements for establishing a contract between the executive and the organization. 非营利组织 2. Integrated Marketing Communication: the coordination and integration of all marketing communication tools, avenues, functions and sources within a company into a seamless program that maximizes the impact on consumers and other end users at a minimal cost. This management concept is designed to make all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing work together as a unified force, rather than permitting each to work in isolation. 整合营销传播 3. stakeholder: someone entrusted to hold the stakes for two or more persons betting against one another; must deliver the stakes to the winner 利益相关者;Text analysis;;;;;Text analysis;;Text analysis;;Text analysis;;;;Text analysis;Text analysis;;;Exercise: I. Answer the following questions according to the text:;;;Word Practice Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text. The initial letter of each word has been supplied for you.;6. Others said the tr



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