英美概况课件PPT测试题及课后练习答案PDF 刘白玉封丽丽主编 978 7 81134 751 7 英国部分Chapter 5.ppt

英美概况课件PPT测试题及课后练习答案PDF 刘白玉封丽丽主编 978 7 81134 751 7 英国部分Chapter 5.ppt

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CHAPTER FIVE Military of the United Kingdom Famous Quotation I have nothing to offer but blood, toil tears and sweat. — Winston Churchill, British Politician New words parliament: v. the group of people who are elected to make and change the laws of a country 议会;国会 — Which party does your Member of Parliament belong to? 你那区的国会议员属于哪一个政党? superiority: n. the state or quality of being better than others 优越(性);优势 — The goal was power superiority at all costs. 目标是不惜任何代价的力量优势。 New words deploy: v. to use something effectively 有效地利用;调动 — He warned them not to hold on to this new capital, but to deploy it. 他警告他们不要手持这一新资金,而是使用这一资金。 regimental: adj. connected with a particular regiment of soldiers 团的;团队的 — A rider came pounding up with an order from the regimental commander. 一个骑马的人带著团长的命令蹄声嗒嗒 飞驰而来。 New words abolition: n. the ending of a law, a system or an institution (法律、制度等的)废除,废止 — Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. 废除土地形式的财产,土地的所有出租用于公共目的。 cavalry: n. (in the past) the part of the army that fought on horses(旧时的)骑兵;装甲兵 — The cavalry is many superiors in mobility to the infantry. 骑兵在机动性方面比步兵优越得多。 New words brigades: n. a military unit that is typically composed of two to five regiments or battalions 旅 —The last of these surge brigades came home this month, he said. 布什总统说:“这些增援部队的最后几个旅于7月回国。 evacuation: n. to send them to a place of safety 撤退 — A mass evacuation of New Orleans is on, with officials telling residents to leave. 新奥尔良大量的撤离工作在政府的建议下已经开始了。 New words eclipse: v. a loss of importance, power, etc.(重要性、权势等的)丧失 — During the seventies, her acting career was in eclipse. 在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。 dismantlement: n. the act of taking something apart 拆除,拆卸 — All construction, dismantlement and reinstate


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