英美概况课件PPT测试题及课后练习答案PDF 刘白玉封丽丽主编 978 7 81134 751 7 英国部分Chapter 6.ppt

英美概况课件PPT测试题及课后练习答案PDF 刘白玉封丽丽主编 978 7 81134 751 7 英国部分Chapter 6.ppt

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Chapter 6 Culture and Education UK part UK Part The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. --Aristotle, Ancient Greek philosopher 教育的根是苦的,但其果实是甜的。 -- 古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德 New words and expressions symbolism: n. a system of symbols and symbolic representations 象征;记号 —This future symbolism is caused by the belief systems of the major religions. humanism: n.人道主义;人本主义 —Enterprise should cultivate and carry out humanism idea in practice. emancipation: n. freeing someone from the control of another 解放 —The emancipation of women depends on themselves. New words and expressions indigenous:adj. originating where it is found 本土的;土著的 —The indigenous food may help foreigners have a better knowledge of my hometown and our people. commemorate: v. mark by some ceremony or observation; call to remembrance 纪念;庆祝 —In order to commemorate the day, they nicknamed it Singles Day. New words and expressions resurrection: n. (New Testament) the rising of Christ on the third day after the Crucifixion; a revival from inactivity and disuse复活;复苏 —His resurrection frightened us. tabloid: n. sensationalist journalism通俗小报 —As the tabloid have hit on hard times, the check of checkbook journalism have shrink. Culture Social Class Families Cuisine Holidays Media Social Class Three main groups of classes the Upper Class the Middle Class the Lower or Working Class Class in Britain is more a matter of values and behaviors such as accent, vocabulary, manners, style of dress and taste than purely money. Families In the 21st century, young people are tending to continue to live in the parental home for much longer than their predecessors. Why? Is it also true in China? Marriage According to English law , no child can get married below the age of 16. If they are between 16 and 18 the parents’ consent to the marriage is necessary, but over the age of 18 the parents’ consent is unnecessary. For the wedding, most British


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