英美概况课件PPT测试题及课后练习答案PDF 刘白玉封丽丽主编 978 7 81134 751 7 英国部分chapter 7.ppt

英美概况课件PPT测试题及课后练习答案PDF 刘白玉封丽丽主编 978 7 81134 751 7 英国部分chapter 7.ppt

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3.3 The Church of England 3.3.2 as a Broad Church The Church of England is frequently considered to be a “broad” church because it includes a wide variety of belief and practice. More information More information Traditionally there have been two poles in membership, the Evangelicals, i.e., Low Church and the Anglo-Catholics, i.e., High Church . The Evangelicals, who have become proportionately stronger in recent years, give greater emphasis to basing all faith and practice on the Bible. The Anglo-Catholics give greater weight to Church tradition and Catholic practices. There is an uneasy relationship between the two wings of the Church, which sometimes breaks into open hostility. Yet most Evangelicals and Anglo-Catholics are united in their deeper dislike of the liberal theologians within the Church of England. More Information Many people would say that the Church of England today is both Protestant and Catholic; there is certainly a great variety of beliefs and practices within the Church. A look at some church notice-boards might confuse anyone unfamiliar with the differences between High Church and Low Church. A visitor entering a High Church at, say, ten o’clock on a Sunday morning might find a high mass in progress and think he had entered a Roman Catholic church (the name Anglo-Catholic is sometimes used for this kind of church). The church would probably be highly decorated, the priests would be wearing various kinds of robes, and people would light candles to the Virgin Mary and go to the priests for confession. More Information By contrast, a Low Church service would be as simple as possible; there would be no ceremony, no candles, no private confessions and the church would look rather bare. It would seem to have more in common with the nonconformist churches. More Information Between these two extremes there are churches with more or less ceremony, depending mainly on the views of the vicar in charge. Some Anglican priests have bro


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