大学核心商务英语读写教程4课件张萍 9787 81134 893 4unit 10.ppt

大学核心商务英语读写教程4课件张萍 9787 81134 893 4unit 10.ppt

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UNIT TEN NEW VIEW ON TODAY’S BUSINESS Background Information ——Effective Business Management for Small Businesses in Todays Economy Correct Business Management: A Tactic for Survival Smarten Up Your Business Marketing Manage People Properly Vision for the Business Text A Building the 21st Century Leader 1. Introduction to the Text Theme: Text A mainly illustrates the traits of being a successful leader in 21st century. Besides the abilities to innovate, execute and be a strong role model for your staff, a new leadership style, such as decisive, insightful and constantly challenging company conventions, is imperative in today’s environment. 课文主题和文体特征分析 本商务语篇介绍了21世纪成功领导者所具备的品质。文章首先指出除了作为领导者的传统品质,现代领导者还需要做“文明斗士”。他们要能够识别商机,迎接竞争和挑战的激情,以及开拓新领域的能力。其次,文章指出了适应性和自我意识在多变的商业环境中举足轻重的作用。 此外,文章多处使用了引用支持。例如,在解释“文明斗士”时,引用了马克·斯蒂芬的《你的管理烂透了》的论述:“Enlightened, Stevens says, in the sense that a modern leader identifies opportunities before the competition, taking in information from all sides to spot possible new directions. The warrior side symbolizes a passion for achieving a goal and also a willingness to go on the attack--against the competition, and against weaknesses in yourself and the organization.”在适应性和自我意识的论述中,也引用了Linsky和 Ken Blanchard的观点。这种引用使文章论述真实可信,且带有权威性,因而也更有说服力。 1. Introduction to the Text PART 1 ————To be an enlightened warrior PART 2 ————The importance of adaptability and self-awareness 2. Technical Terms Mark Stevens Mark works with financial, internet, mobile, outsourcing and technology companies. Prior to joining Sequoia Capital in 1989, Mark held technical and field sales positions at Intel and was a member of the technical staff at Hughes Aircraft. Mark is a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Southern California and is the co-chair of their Investment Committee. 马克?斯蒂芬曾任职于金融、网络、移动通信、外部采购和科技公司。现任南加州大学信托公司董事会成员,也是其投资委员会的联合主席。马克获南加州大学电气工程学士学位、经济学学士、计算机工程硕士学位及哈弗商学院工商管理硕士。 2. Technical Terms Cambridge Leadership Asso


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