大学外贸英语第三版课件陈庆柏 ISBN9787811347548chapter 1.ppt

大学外贸英语第三版课件陈庆柏 ISBN9787811347548chapter 1.ppt

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* * * Chapter 1? The Global Economic Crisis 世界经济危机 What is the global economic crisis? What caused the crisis? How can we deal with the crisis? New words 1 to deteriorate vi. 恶化(deteriorating economic condition 不断恶化的经济形势=worsening economic situation) 2 prolonged a. 长期的(long-lasting) 3 appreciation n.评估(without adequate appriciation of the risk,缺少对风险的正确评估,动词为appreciate) 4 due a.应有的(due diligence应有的谨慎) 5 underwriting standards 承保标准 New words 6 unsound a.不健全的(unsound management practices 不健全的管理做法/行为) 7 opaque a. 不透明的(not transparent or lacking transparency) 8 leverage n.此课文中作“影响”讲(excessive leverage过度的影响) 9 vulnerability n.脆弱性 10 to address vt.应对;专心致力于…… New words 11 ramification n.后果(一般用复数,如:the ramifications of a problem) 12 underlying a.根本的;主要的(underlying factors主要因素) 13 unsustainable a.不能持续的,支撑不住的 14 swine flu 猪流感(与H1N1 flu意同) 15 pandemic n.大流传;广泛传染(指传染病) New words 16 virus n.病毒 17 to combat vt.跟……作斗争 18 flagging a.逐渐衰退的,逐步萎缩的(shrinking) 19 unfreeze vt.使解冻 20 critical a.重要的 Economic Terms 1 recession衰退(a phase of the business cycle that shows a slowdown or contraction of economy) 2 housing start房屋建造的开工率(美国的一种经济指标) 3 foreign direct investment (FDI)外国直接投资(investment made by foreign individuals or companies in productive enterprises in the domestic economy) 4 credit crunch信贷危机(有时与credit freeze互换使用) 5 budget deficit预算赤字(excess of government expenditure over government income, which must be financed by either borrowing or printing money). Economic Terms 6 capital flows资本流动(movement of capital) 7 high yield高收益;高回报(high income from an investment) 8 macroeconomic policy宏观经济政策(economic policy which affects the performance of the economy as a whole. They typically include monetary policy, fiscal policy...) 9 liquidity流动性(availability of liquid assets, enabling a person or organization to pay debts when they fall due and also to move into new investment opportunities) 10 trade protectionism贸易保护主义(policy of using tariffs, import quotas and other restri


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