大学外贸英语第三版课件陈庆柏 ISBN9787811347548chapter 6.pptVIP

大学外贸英语第三版课件陈庆柏 ISBN9787811347548chapter 6.ppt

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* Chapter 6? Modern Trade Theories (2) 现代贸易理论(二) What do you know about the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory ? Have you heard of the Leontief Paradox ? What is the Product Life Cycle Theory? New words 1. relative a. 相对的 2. to constitute vt. 构成 3. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的(名为abundance) 4. resources n.资源(such as land, labor, capital, etc.) 5. conversely adv. 反之,相反 6. scarce a. 不足的,稀少的 7. to equalize vt. 使均等,均等化 8. interplay n. 相互影响,相互作用 9. arable a. 适于耕作的,可耕的(suitable for plowing and hence for producing crops) 10. labor-intensive a. 劳动密集型的 11. contradictory a. 矛盾的 New words 12. absurd a. 荒谬的 13. determinant n. 决定因素 14. initially adv. 开始,最初 15. vis-a-vis 与……相比 16. innovative a. 创新的 17. common-place a. 平凡的,平常的 18. to imitate vt. 模仿 19. graphically adv. 用图表示,图示地 20. to predominate vi. 居统治地位 21. entrant n. 进入者 22. theorist n. 理论家 Economic Terms 1. the Heckscher-Ohlin theory of factor endowment赫-俄要素禀赋说,简称H-O theory“赫-俄原理”或“赫-俄论” 2. competitive advantage竞争优势(与competitive edge 意同) 3. home market国内市场 Economic Terms 4. production process生产工序 5. first-mover advantage 先人一步的优势;为人先的优势 6. economies of scale 规模经济(the result of production functions showing on equal percentage increase in all inputs leads output to increase by a larger percentage). Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions 1. more often than not多半地,往往 2. to receive (win) a prize in获得……方面的奖,得奖 3. to tend to be eliminated有被消灭的趋势 4. to place reliance on sth.依赖某物 5. to shed more light on sth.将更多目光投注于,使……更加显示出来 6. to delegate primary importance (to sth.)强调(某事的)第一重要性 7. in part部分地(等于partly或partially) 8. to be well matched很相配 9. to be endowed with被赋于,使具有 10. by analogy with用……与之相比较 Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions Notes 1. Nobel prize诺贝尔奖 2. the distribution of income收入的分配 3. Raymond Vernor(美)经济学家雷蒙·弗农 4. L.T. Wells威尔士 5. introduction stage引进阶段 6. technological break-through技术上的突破 7. growth stage增长阶段 8. maturity stage成熟阶段 9. decline stage衰退阶段 10. Xerox (美)施乐公司(生产复印机,正因如此美国人将xerox当动词用表示复印copy) Notes 11. Boeing 波音公司(美国


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