商务英语综合教程学生用书第三册课件彭青龙 ISBN9787811346237第三册第2课.ppt

商务英语综合教程学生用书第三册课件彭青龙 ISBN9787811346237第三册第2课.ppt

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Look at the picture on the right. Do you agree to “what is needed to succeed in this office” as stated in the picture? To know how to deal with different kind of people in office; To understand tips for survival and success in office; To expose “power play” and “office bully” as harsh aspects of office politics; To acquire theme-related words and expressions and apply them in real situations. Unit Two Office Politics Guess what each term means in the chart. e.g. Water cooler – US informal indicating the kind of informal conversation among office staff Talk through your arse – to say things which are stupid or wrong Bottom Line 账本底线 Movers and Shakers 有影响力的人 conducive connotation breed assimilate patronize consistent assertive orient Structural Analysis Translation Exercise 1. The traditional view of office politics—back-stabbing and alliance-building has been superseded by a more positive concept: playing a game that works to make the workplace more productive and conducive to everyone getting ahead. 2. You cant be a person of character and principle merely through good thoughts and good feelings. 3. At the root of office politics is the issue of manipulation which can happen in any relationship where one or more of the parties involved use indirect means to achieve their goals. 4.积极的办公室政治促进员工之间的合作、信任和互惠。 5. 我们之中的大多数人羞于卷入活跃的办公室政治活动,因为我们认为这是“肮脏”而“腐败”的行为。  Quiz Word Derivation Fill in each of the blanks with the given word in its proper form. 1. An employee could do his best to see whether his boss has got a feasible plan and offer polite, __________ (construct) criticism. 2. I could never understand why she treated him with such __________ (patron) disregard. 3. In an age of __________ (enlighten), barbarian massacre of civilians is unforgivable. 4. New Student __________ (orient) congratulates newly admitted students and looks forward to preparing them for their life in university. 5. He will not make a good leader for his actio



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