大学外贸英语第三版课件陈庆柏 ISBN9787811347548chapter 12.pptVIP

大学外贸英语第三版课件陈庆柏 ISBN9787811347548chapter 12.ppt

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Chapter 12 International Investment and Multinational Enterprises 国际投资与跨国企业 What do you know about international investment? Can you name some of the multinational companies? What does the abbreviation FDI stands for? New words 1. multinational n.跨国公司; a.跨国的 2. universal a. 普遍的,全世界的 3. identical a. 完全相同的 4. representative a. 有代表性的;n. 代表 5. identifiable a. 可辨认的 6. mining n. 采矿 7. extraction n. 开采(如~of oil石油开采) 8. headquarters n.总部(有时也可用head office) 9. to secure vt. 获得 10. to service vt. 为……服务 11. to bypass vt. 绕过 12. channel n.渠道 New words 13. to revive vi. 再度流行 14. motive n. 动机 15. anticipated a. 预期的 16. infrastructure n. 基础设施(如:roads, communication systems, etc.) 17. to diversify vt. 使多样化 18. to ensure vt. 保证 19. uninterrupted a. 连续的,不停的 20. controversial a. 有争议的,能引起争论的 21. alleged a. 被说成的 22. overexploitation n. 过分开发 23. to nationalize vt. 国有化 Economic Terms 1. multinational corporations (MNCs) 跨国公司(有时英文也用multinational enterprises (MNEs)或multinationals) 2. stock ownership 股票所有权 3. host country 东道国 4. dividend n. 股息 5. factor movement 要素移动 6. foreign direct investment 对外直接投资 7. debt obligation 债券 8. subsidiary n.子公司,分公司,附属公司 9. distribution network经销网 Economic Terms 10. capital goods 资本货物(an item such as a machine, a building, or raw material that is used to manufacture products for sale to consumers) 11. inventory n. 库存 12. oligopolistic market 寡头垄断市场(markets where there are only a few producers of a homogeneous or differentiated product) 13. home country 东道国 14. tax revenue 税收收入 15. capital market 资本市场 16. trade investment贸易投资 Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions 1. to be distant from 远离(to be far away from) 2. to allow for 将……因素考虑进去 3. to take advantage of sth. 趁机利用某物 4. to share in the profit 分享利润(to share in work分担工作) 5. to complain loudly against sth. 对……大声抱怨或抗议 6. to pay little heed to 对……不重视 1. in more than one country在一个以上的国家(注意one后的名词不能用复数,类似的例子还有many a country“许多国家”) 2. to service (a debt or a loan)为(债务或贷款)支付利息(service:to pay the interest


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