中英文导游实训教程课件曾元胜 ISBN9787566301642 PPT2.ppt

中英文导游实训教程课件曾元胜 ISBN9787566301642 PPT2.ppt

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Mind Map 2-10 情景三 行李遗失的处理 托运行李遗失的处理 How to deal with the lost checked luggage 实训情景:在机场到达大厅,其中一位游客遗失了行李,地陪张莉帮她处理相关事宜。 Circumstances: One of the tourists lost her/his luggage at the arrival hall of airport. Zhang Li is helping her/him to handle it. 实训准备:模拟机场到达大厅,模拟《丢失行李登记表》 Preparations: mock arrival of airport, mock form for lost luggage 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogue Procedures: 1. 与失主一起去机场行李查询登记处办理行李丢失认领手续;出示证件、机票和行李卡并填写《丢失行李登记表》,写明航班号,始发站,经停站,行李件数、大小、形状、特色、标记、颜色等。 With the tourist’s passport or ID card, plane ticket and baggage check, the local guide should accompany the tourist to the Lost Luggage Office of the airport to report and register the loss; fill in the Lost Luggage Form on which the flight number, the departure and arrival airport, stopover, the number of luggage, size, shape, characteristics, marks and color, etc. is written. 2. 留下失主姓名、下榻饭店名称;同时记住登记处的电话、联系人姓名,有关航空公司的地址、电话等。 Leave the names of the tourist and the hotel where he/she is going to stay; write down the telephone number of the Lost Luggage Office and the staff you will contact, the address and telephone number of the airline. 3. 在当地期间,地陪应当着失主的面,多次打电话询问行李查找进程。 While the group is visiting the local city, the local guide should often telephone the airport to inquire about the result of their search for the luggage. 4. 行李一时找不回来,导游人员要协助失主购买必要的生活用品,并提醒他保存购物发票。 When the luggage is not found for the moment, the local guide should help the tourist to buy his/her daily necessities and remind him/her to keep the invoice. 5. 离开时还找不着行李,导游人员应将旅游团在中国的全部行程(旅游路线、抵达各地的日期、接待社名称和将下榻的饭店)转告有关航空公司,以便找到行李后及时交还失主。 The luggage has not been found when the group leaves, the local guide should inform the airline of the itinerary in China of the group, including the itinerary, the dates of arriving at different destinations, local travel services and the hotels they are going to stay, so that the airline can send the luggage to the tourist as long as they find it. 6. 行李确系丢失,协助失主按规定索赔。 If eventually they g


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