大学金融英语二课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 6.pptVIP

大学金融英语二课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 6.ppt

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Chapter Six Money Markets in the U.S. Learning objectives After studying this chapter you should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of “money market” 2. Talk briefly about the historical development of money markets 3. Tell the chief characteristics of money market 4. Know the major participants in the money markets 5. Say what you know about the instruments traded in the money markets Notes I. New Words 1. misnomer n. 用词不当 2. to boom vi. 迅速发展,兴旺 3. Lombard Street 伦巴第街(为伦敦金融中心) 4. an injection n. 注资= infusion 5. to balloon vi. 变大= to become bigger Notes II. Useful and Idiomatic Expressions 1. many a 许多(后跟名词的单数,如many a bank) 2. a variety of 种种= various kinds of 3. to meet needs 满足需要= to satisfy needs 4. to be limited to... 限于…… 5. to provide sb. with ……向某人提供…… 6. over the phone 在电话上 7. in large denominations of ……面额为…… 8. a round lot of 一个……的整数 Notes III. Key Terms 1. debt instruments 债务票据,债务证券 a medium for raising a loan, usually a short-term loan 2. maturity (票据等的)到期/到期日 ready to be paid 3. financial claims 金融债权 4. wholesale market 批发市场 (与retail market相对) a market for selling or buying things in large quantities 5. finance house 金融公司 an organization, many of which are owned by commercial banks, that provides finance for hire-purchase agreements. 6. Treasury bills (T-bills) (美)国库券 securities issued by the Treasury and sold by the Federal government with initial maturities of less than one year. They are often considered the lowest-risk security available in the U.S. Notes 7. maturing issues 即将到期的国库券 8. the U.S. Treasury 美国财政部 the U.S. Treasury Department 9. federal funds 联邦资金 10. repurchase agreements (repos) 回购协议,再购回协议(解释见课文) 11. negotiable CDs 可转让的定期存款单(CDs是 certificate of deposits 的缩写)= a bank-issued short-term security that documents a deposit and specifies the interest rate and the maturity date 12. commercial paper 商业票据 (解释见课文有关部分) 13. promissory note 本票,期票 a note containing an unconditional promise to pay on demand or at


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