大学金融英语一课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 20.pptVIP

大学金融英语一课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 20.ppt

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Chapter Twenty U.S. Financial Intermediaries Learning objectives After studying this chapter you should be able to: 1. Define financial intermediary 2. Tell the function of financial intermediaries 3. Know the way of classifying American financial intermediaries Notes I. New Words 1. substantially adv. 大大地greatly 2. classification n. 分类to divide according to class 3. to rescue vt. 援救to save from troubles, harm or danger 4. to pursue vt. 从事to carry out 5. to blur vt. 变得模糊起来to make sth. difficult to see clearly 6. legislation n. 立法;所制定的法律,e.g. banking~银行立法 Notes 7. mutuals n. 互助团体,合作团体cooperatives 8. livelihood n. 生活,e.g. to gain or make or earn a~ 谋生 9. theft n. 受偷窃/被盗窃 10. catastrophic a. 灾难的disastrous 11. contractual a. 契约性的 12. bread winner 养家活口的人;负担生计的人 Notes II. Useful and Idiomatic Expressions 1. to take advantage of... 趁机利用……to capitalize on... 2. for the sake of... 为……起见 3. mortgage on the security of the property 以房产作抵押所获抵押贷款 4. at initial offering 在证券初次公开发行时 5. to make contribution to... 对……作出贡献 Notes 6. in exchange for... 为换取…… 7. to lose one’s house to fire 房子被火烧毁 8. to write check against... 凭……开支票,依据……开出支票 9. to pay claims on the company 支付向公司提出的索赔款项 10. interest on... ……所生利息 Notes III. Key Terms 1. investment trust (英)投资信托公司(also known as investment company=a company that invests the funds provided by shareholders in a wide variety of securities. It makes its profits from the income and capital gains provided by these securities.) 2. thrifts=thrift institutions(美)节俭机构(其中包括“互助储蓄银行”mutual savings banks,“储蓄与放款协会”savings and loan associations,和“信用协会”credit unions) 3. depository institution 存款机构 4. corporate structure 公司结构 5. checkable deposits (美)可开支票或汇票的存款deposits accounts that may be drawn against by writing checks or drafts 6. consumer loan 消费贷款 Notes 7. contractual savings institutions 约定储蓄机构 8. commercial paper 商业票据(美)存款单any notes, drafts, checks, or deposit certificates used in business 9. banking legislation 银


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