大学金融英语一课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 22.pptVIP

大学金融英语一课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 22.ppt

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Chapter Twenty-Two U.S. Banking Regulation Learning objectives After studying this chapter you should be able to: 1. Give definition of banking regulation 2. Tell what are the seven basic categories of U.S. banking regulation and its striking feature 3. Explain the difficulties in U.S. banking regulation 4. List the major pieces of U.S. banking legislation in the 20th century 5. Tell all the important U.S. bank regulatory agencies Notes I. New Words 1. to precede vt. 在……之前 2. to pursue vt. 从事 3. to assess vt. 对……进行评估/估价 4. to monitor vt. 监视 5. to disclose vt. 披露(名词为disclosure) 6. gender n. 性别 7. race n. 种族 Notes 8. oversight n. 监督(动词为oversee) 9. deterrent n. 遏制 10. excessive a. 过分的 11. to enact vt. 制定(法律) 12. redlining n. 拒绝抵押货款/用红线勾销 13. hypothetical a. 假设的 14. loophole mining 寻找漏洞 15. incentive n. 激励 Notes 16. devil n. 魔王 17. subtle a. 微妙的 18. unintended a. 非故意的 19. ceilings n. 上限 20. to overturn vt. 推翻 21. issuance and enforcement of regulations 发布并强制执行条例 22. unannounced visits 未经宣布的访问或到访 23. marital status 婚姻状况 Notes II. Useful and Idiomatic Expressions 1. to apply to... 适用于 2. to comply with... 遵守 3. to get rid of... 除掉 4. to write off... 注销 5. to come up with... 赶上/想出 Notes 6. to feed into... 加到……中去 7. on the part of... 就……而言,在……一边的 8. to play cat and mouse with... 与……玩猫捉耗子游戏(也可用to play a cat and mouse game with表示同样意思) 9. to think up... 想出…… 10. to submit an application 提交/提出申请 11. to declare the loan worthless 宣布贷款无价值 Notes III. Key Terms 1. asset holdings 对资产的持有(注意holding必须用复数) 2. capital requirements 资本需要量 3. branching n. 开设分行 4. statutes n. 成文法laws enacted by the legislative branch of government 5. the Glass-Steagall Act 格拉斯—斯帝高尔法(案) 6. regulatory authority 监管权 Notes 7. merger and consolidation 兼并和合并(merger occurs when one corporation is absorbed into another corporation and ceases to exist; consolidation occurs when two or more corporations combine to form an entirely new corporation) 8. liquidation n. 清算;清偿the process of clearing up financial affair


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