大学金融英语一课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 27.pptVIP

大学金融英语一课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 27.ppt

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Chapter Twenty-Seven Insurance Management in the U.S. Learning objectives After studying this chapter you should be able to: 1. Know the roles played by the various kinds of insurance companies 2. Tell the primary purpose of effective insurance management 3. Describe the tools used to achieve effective insurance management Notes I. New Words 1. surety n. 担保=guaranty 2. screening n. 筛选 3. to speed vi. 超速驾驶to drive at excessive or illegal speed 4. speeding ticket(s) 超速驾车罚单 5. covenant n. 用契约保证/承诺a promise in deed 6. to rent vt. 租用to pay for the use of sth., e.g. renting motor scooters 租用低座小摩托车 Notes 7. deductible n. 扣除 8. payoff n. 文中当“赔偿”讲compensation 9. grilling n. 严厉盘问to question severely and continuously 10. fraud n. 欺诈 11. provision(s) n. 条款a stipulation as a clause in a statute or contract made beforehand 12. afore-said a. 上述的above-mentioned 13. time-honored a. 由来已久的 Notes II. Useful and Idiomatic Expressions 1. to screen out sth. from sth. else 经过筛选将……与……分开 2. to go through grilling 通过严格的盘问 3. to take blood and urine samples 取血样尿样作检查 4. to commit suicide 自杀 5. to rule out 排除,e.g. ~undesirable behavior 排除不受欢迎的行为 6. to stand to lose 一定遭受损失(美国用法,英国人用stand losing) 7. in line with… 符合 8. to put in an alarm system 装上警报系统 9. to come out ahead 捞到好处/占上便宜 Notes 10. by contrast 与此相对比 11. to make insurance claims 提出保险索赔to file insurance claims 12. on the part of… 就……而言 13. to have an incentive to do sth. 有做某事的积极性 14. to allocate sb. to a risk class 将某人归划为一个风险等级 15. to lose money on sb. 在某人身上亏损 16. at first glance 在第一眼就…… 17. to turn sb. down 拒绝接受某人to reject sb. 18. to sign up for… 为……而签约 19. to cancel a coverage 取消保险 Notes III. Key Terms 1. adverse selection 相反选择,逆向选择=the problem created by asymmetric information before a transaction occurs: the people who are the most undesirable from the other party’s point of view are the ones who are most likely to want to engage in the financial transaction. 2. moral hazard 道德风险=the lack of any incenti


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