汉英翻译技巧课件钟书能 ISBN9787566304049 PPT12.ppt

汉英翻译技巧课件钟书能 ISBN9787566304049 PPT12.ppt

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一、导读 通过观察,我们发现习语是句子中的精华,很多汉语习语采用了大量修辞手法,形式固定且语法紊乱。因此,汉译英语时,那些为一种汉语所特有而英语并不具备的习语形式往往是造成翻译困难的主要原因。《红楼梦》作者曹雪芹,续作是由高鹗完成。本书是一部具有高度思想性和高度艺术性的伟大作品,作者具有初步的民主主义思想,他对现实社会、宫廷、官场的黑暗,封建贵族阶级及其家庭的腐朽,封建的科举、婚姻、奴婢、等级制度及社会统治思想即孔孟之道和程朱理学、社会道德观念等都进行了深刻的批判并且提出了朦胧的带有初步民主主义性质的理想和主张。霍克斯的译文是译本中少有的佳作之一,非常注重语言文化细节的翻译。霍克斯《红楼梦》的译文对成语除了进行对应直译之外,还对大量习语进行了意译、加注、节译,使之符合英语语言的表达习惯。因此,仔细对照《红楼梦》第五回部分英译有助于提高我们对汉译英时处理习语的各种技巧。 A Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin Excerpts from Chapter 5 Jia Bao-yu visits the Land of Illusion and the fairy Disenchantment performs the “Dream of Golden Days” As soon as Bao-yu closed his eyes he sank into a confused sleep in which Qin-shi was still there yet at the same time seemed to be drifting along weightlessly in front of him. He followed her until they came to a place of marble terraces and vermilion balustrades where there were green trees and crystal streams. Everything in this place was so clean and so pure that it seemed as if no human foot could ever have trodden there or floating speck of dust ever blown into it. Bao-yu’s dreaming self rejoiced. ‘What a delightful place!’ he thought. ‘If only I could spend all my life here! How much nicer it would be than living under the daily restraint of my parents and teachers!’ These idle reflections were interrupted by someone singing a song on the other side of a hill: ‘Spring’s dream-time will like drifting clouds disperse, Its flowers snatched by a flood none can reverse. Then tell each nymph and swain ‘This folly to invite love’s pain!’ It was the voice of a girl. Before its last echoes had died away, a beautiful woman appeared in the quarter from which the voice had come, approaching him with a floating, fluttering motion. She was quite unlike any earthly lady, as the following poem will make clear: A Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin Excerpts from Chapter 5 Jia Bao-yu visits the Land of Illusion and the fairy Disenchantment performs the “Dream of Golden Days”



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