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医院药学部开展微信用药咨询的SWOT 分析及发展策略 李春华虞勋杭永付谢诚孙怡 苏州大学附属第一医院 摘要: 目的:探讨医院药学部开展微信用药咨询的实践模式。方法:采用SWOT分析法分 析药学部开展微信用药咨询具有的优势、劣势、机会与威胁,并结合已开展的工 作探讨微信用药咨询的实践模式。结果:药学部开展微信用药咨询具有药物咨询 工作己有多年经验、药物咨询团队人员分布合理、全程信息化管理、硬件设施齐 全、检测项目丰富、微信公众平台关注度高、具有开放性和共享性等优势,也有 药师需要加强临床医学知识的学习,微信互动及时性有待提高、需安排专职微信 咨询药师而造成人力资源紧张等劣势,而临开展微信用药咨询有临床和社会需 求等机会,也面临社会对微信咨询知晓度不够、微信咨询不能产生直接经济效益, 投入产出严重不平衡,难以长期持续等威胁。结论:药学部开展微信用药咨询可 以发挥药师的专业特长,促进药师参与患者用药全过程的管理,提高患者依从 性,从而促进合理用药。 关键词: 微信用药咨询;SWOT分析;实践模式; 作者简介:李春华,女,硕士,副主任药师,研究方向:医院药学;电 话:0512E-mail:842705051@qq. com 作者简介:孙怡,女,本科,主管药师,研究方向:医院药学;电 话:0512E-mail:rain7527@sina. com 收稿日期:2017-08-10 Discussion on practice pattern of wechat Medication consultation in pharmacy department of hospital based on SWOT analysis LI Chun—hua YU Xun HANG Yong—fu XIE Cheng SUN Yi The First Aff订iated Hospital of Soochow University; Abstract: OBJECTIVE To discuss practice pattern of wechat Medication consultation in pharmacy department. METHODS Method of SWOT analysis was applied to onalyzc strcngths, weaknesses, opportunitics and threats in the development of wechat Medication consultation by pharmacy department, and wechat Medication consultation had been carried out was introduced. RESULTS The strengths were years of experience in medication consultation, rational di stribution of pharmaci sts, completehardware facilities, rich testing itcms, WcChat public platform with high degree of attention, openness and sharing advantages.The weaknesses were that should improve pharmacists clinical knowledge, WeChat interaction, timeliness and WeChat consuiting pharmacists should be arranged, a shortage of human resources. The opportunities were that there were clinical and social demands for Wechat mcdication Consultation.The threats were that Wechat Medication Consultation cant produce direct economic benefits, input and output were seriously unbalanced and difficult to sustain for a long time. CONCLUSION Wechat medication consuItation in Pharmacy department of our hospitai can


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