建筑工程专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 蒋春霞 主编 赵娇 杨波 副主编Unit6电子课件.pptVIP

建筑工程专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 蒋春霞 主编 赵娇 杨波 副主编Unit6电子课件.ppt

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三、阅读材料解析 [1] According to provisions of GB50057-94, main building of this project is a Grade III lightning-proof building. In order to avoid direct lightning, a lightning-proof network is set on the roofing of the building. The mesh of the lightning-proof network shall be no larger than 20mX20m, and this network shall be connected to lightning-proof earthing device via down lead. Metal roofing shall be earthed, and the down lead shall utilize main reinforcement inside post. Inspection card shall also be installed around on the surface. 柱子与圈梁钢筋混凝土腰带现浇过梁相连时,均应按建筑图中墙位置以及相应的圈梁腰带过梁配筋说明或图纸,由柱子留出相应的钢筋,钢筋长度为柱子内外各40d。 [1]按GB50057-94,本工程的主建筑物为第三类防雷建筑物,为防直击雷,在建筑物屋面装设避雷网,屋面避雷网格不大于20MX20M,避雷网通过引下线接至防雷接地装置。 金属屋面直接接地,引下线利用柱内主筋。并在地面附近装设检测卡。 [2] This project is low voltage load completely. The low voltage distribution room will supply power to all distribution cabinets and distribution boxes inside the building in the form of radiation, and then it is introduced to all power-consumed equipments from each distribution cabinets and distribution boxes. Emergency lighting for lighting load shall be supplied by storage batteries inside lighting fittings. [2]本工程全部为低压用电负荷,变电所低压配电室以放射供电方式向建筑物内配电柜、配电箱供电,再从各配电柜、配电箱引至各用电设备。照明负荷中的应急照明由灯具中蓄电池供电。 [3] Cables introduced from the transformer station will be stretched directly to all distribution cabinets and distribution boxes inside the building along the cable bracket in the cable trench outdoors. Lines resulted from all distribution boxes inside the building shall respectively adopt cables or conducting wires that are arranged along the cable viaducts or steel pipes. Cables for road lighting are armored cables directly buried. [3]从变电所引出的电缆沿室外电缆沟内电缆支架直接引入建筑物内各配电箱、配电柜。从建筑物内各配电箱引出的线路分别采用电缆或导线沿电缆桥架或钢管敷设。道路照明电缆为铠装电缆直埋敷设。 (2)译作汉语被动句 【例5】Durability is greatly influenced by concrete permeability 混凝土的耐久性受其渗透性影响非常大。 2 Negative Sentences Pattern 否定句型 (1)否定成分的转译 【例6】The sun’s rays do not warm the water so much as they do the land. 太阳光线使水温增不如它们使陆地增温那样高。 (



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