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II. Functions of Nonverbal Communication 非言语交际的功能 Repeating: nonverbal behaviors can be used in order to emphasize or clarify the verbal message. Contradicting: nonverbal behaviors can convey contradictory meaning which is opposite to that of the verbal message. Substituting: nonverbal behavior can replace verbal behavior to convey certain meaning. Accenting: nonverbal behavior can be used to add force to verbal message. Complementing: It means that nonverbal cues can be used to elaborate on verbal messages to reinforce the information. Regulating: It means that nonverbal behavior can regulate the flow of communication. IV. Body Touch 身体接触 Touch, or Haptics, refers to communicating through the use of bodily contact. When used properly, touch can create feelings of warmth and trust; when used improperly, touch can betray trust and cause annoyance. According to the degree of touching, it can be divided into contact culture and low-contact culture. IV. Body Touch 身体接触 Contact cultures displays considerable interpersonal closeness or immediacy, and people in these countries stand close and touch often (Hall, 1966). People in low contact cultures tend to stand apart and touch less. IV. Body Touch 身体接触 Hand-shaking 握手 Hugging and kissing 拥抱和亲吻 Contact culture接触性文化/Low-contact culture低接触文化 根据身体接触的多少,分为接触性文化和低接触文化。 接触性文化中,人们相互之间关系亲密,因而身体 的接触较多。接触文化包括大部分阿拉伯国家,地中 海地区(包括法国、希腊、意大利),欧洲及中东的 犹太民族,东欧及俄罗斯人、印尼人及西班牙血统的 民族等。低接触文化的人们关系趋于冷淡,身体接触 相对较少。低接触文化包括北欧大部、德国、英国和 美国的盎格鲁-撒克逊族人以及日本人。澳大利亚人居 于两者之间。 Four zones of personal space Intimate zone (no distance to 18inches), showing the intimacy between the two communicators. It is only possible for the closest relation, for instance, within couples, with one’s parents, or children. Personal zone (18 inches to 4 feet), is used for talking with close friends, acquaintances, and relatives. Social zone (4 to 12 feet). People who work together, doing business together, or those in conversation at social gathering tend t


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