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II. Comparison between Western Values and Chinese Values 中西价值观比较 Human nature---Mixture of Good and Evil vs. Basically Good 人类的天性 Relationship of humans to nature--- Mastery over Nature vs. Harmony with Nature 人与自然的关系 Sense of time--- Past Orientation vs. Future Orientation 时间观念 Activity--- Being Who You are vs. Doing What You are Doing行为 Social relationships---Individual vs. Hierarchy 社会关系 未来时间取向认为一切着眼于未来,他们很少回顾过 去。美国人是典型的未来取向的,他们一般不像其他 民族那样注重历史与传统,他们普遍相信:历史无足 轻重,机会人人均等,只要努力奋斗,就能获得成功。 他们认为未来是可以驾驭的,至少是可以受他们影响 的。变革意味着进步,新事物总是优越于旧事物。人 们相信进步,往往为将来发生的事情制定计划。 Hierarchy 社会阶层 所谓社会阶层是依据社会成员的经济、政治、教育、 文化等种种社会因素所划分的社会集团。每个人都处 在一定的社会阶层这由其家庭出身、职业、所拥有的 财富以及所受的文化教育所决定。 Individualism Versus Collectivism 个人主义和集体主义 The characteristics of individualism are: (1) The individual is the single most important unit in any social setting. Personal goals take precedence over group goals. (2) Independence rather than dependence is stressed. People tend to be emotionally independent on organizations and institutions (3) Individual achievement is rewarded. People strive hard to achieve individual identity in terms of possession and achievement in their professions. (4) The uniqueness of each individual is of paramount value. They value individual decisions making and encourage competition rather than cooperation. (5)A clash of opinions is believed to lead to a higher truth in individual cultures. The characteristics of collectivism: (1)Collective cultures see the group as the most important social entity. (2) Belonging to organization is emphasized. The individual is emotionally dependent on organizations and institutions. People expect to look after other members of their in-group in need and expect their group to look after them. (3) It emphasizes the views, needs and goals of the in-group rather than oneself. Collectivists value harmony and avoid direct confrontation. (4) It emphasizes common interests, conformity, cooperation, and interdependence. (5) Direct confrontation is consid



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