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坚持长期治疗才是预防卒中复发的关键 鉴于中国抗血小板药物使用的具体国情, 与其纠结于选择何种抗血小板药物, 还不如选择一种安全、有效而又经济的药物坚持长期使用, 这才是当前预防卒中复发的关键! * 不同颜色地区卒中的死亡率不同 深红色:151-251/100 000(中国、俄罗斯、蒙古共和国、中部非洲等) 浅红色:126-150/100 000() 粉红色:101-125/100 000(南美国家) 桔红色:51-100/100 000(拉丁美洲国家) 黄色:24.5-50/100 000(美国、加拿大) 蓝色:没有数据资料 * * * 各位老师应该都非常清楚, 脑梗死是人类健康的巨大威胁。据WHO2002年的数据,全球每年死亡人口中脑梗死(卒中)占10%,共550万人,是全世界第三位死亡原因。 这个图是发表于2006年stroke(卒中)杂志的一项研究,目的是为了研究在90年代,中国3个城市脑卒中的发病率和趋势及其主要亚型。注册的卒中病例是在1991~2000年内通过在北京,上海,长沙建立的中风监测网络初步确定,然后由神经学家确认。结果发现,三个城市中长沙卒中发病率最高150/10万人年,北京其次135/10万人年,上海76.1/10万人年。 世界卫生组织的统计数据显示,我国是全球脑卒中卒中的第一大国,每年新发脑卒中200万人 ,卒中死亡人数165万人 资料: Background and Purpose—To examine the incidence and trends of stroke and its major subtypes during the 1990s in 3 cities in China. Methods—Stroke cases registered between 1991 to 2000 were initially identified through the stroke surveillance networks established in Beijing, Shanghai, and Changsha, and then confirmed by neurologists. Results—The age-standardized incidence rates per 100 000 person years of overall first-ever stroke were 135.0 (95% CI, 126.5 to 144.6) in Beijing, 76.1 (70.6 to 82.6) in Shanghai, and 150.0 (141.3 to 160.0) in Changsha during the 1990s. Incidence of ischemic stroke (IS) was highest in Beijing, followed by Changsha and Shanghai; for intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), the highest rate was found in Changsha, followed by Beijing and Shanghai. The same order as ICH was also observed for subarachnoid hemorrhage. The age-adjusted incidence of overall stroke and ICH for individuals 55 years of age in our populations was generally higher than that from Western populations. During the 1990s, ICH incidence decreased significantly at a rate of 12.0% per year in Beijing, 4.4% in Shanghai, and 7.7% in Changsha; in contrast, except for Changsha, IS incidence increased in Beijing (5.0% per year) and Shanghai (7.7%). Conclusions—There is a geographic variation in the incidence of stroke and its subtypes among these 3 cities, but the incidence of overall and hemorrhagic stro


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