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中国医学创新 2017,28(14),127-130 DOI: 1 ().3969。.issn. 1674-4985.2017.28.035 十二指肠憩室的128层VCT诊断价值 黄德干陈献军黄燕谊 广东省第二中医院 导出/参考文献关注 分享 收藏打印 摘要: 目的:正确了解128层VCT对十二指肠憩室诊断及其在临床上的价值。方法:15 例患者临床确诊十二指肠憩室进行128层VCT扫描,分析其影像表现,并利用多 平面重建技术显示憩室。结果:15例十二指肠憩室患者进行128层VCT检查,全 部检出憩室,最大5. 2 cm,最小1. 0 emo憩室CT主要表现为十二指肠降部内侧 乳头部半圆形及类圆形含气囊袋影,囊壁较薄,部分囊壁肿胀,且与十二指肠 粘连。结论:128层VCT扫描及多平面重建能明显提高十二指肠憩室检查率,且 清晰显示病变与周围组织结构关系,给临床提供更多有用信息。 关键词: 十二指肠; 憩室;X线计算启L; 临床价值; 收稿日期:2017-04-14 Diagnostic Value of 128 Slice VCT in Duodenal Diverticulum HUANG De—gan CHEN Xian—jun HUANG Yan—yi The Second TCM Hospital of Guangdong Province; Abstract: Objective:To study the diagnosis and clinical value of 128 slice VCT on duodenal diverticulum. Method:15 cases of duodenal diverticulum were diagnosed by CT scan, the imaging findings were analyzed, and the diverticulum was displayed by multiplanar reconstruction technique. Result:The diverticulum was detected in 128 slice VCT, the maximum 5. 2 cm and the minimum 1. 0 cm. The main manifestations of diverticulum CT were the descending part of the duodcnum, the medial papillary portion, the semicircle and the round shape, including the balloon bag shadow, the thinner wall of the cyst, the swelling of the partial cyst wall and the adhesion to the duodenum. Conclusion:128 slice VCT sean and multiplanar reconstruction can significantly improve the rate of duodenal diverticulum, and clearly show the rclationship between the lesions and the surrounding tissue structure, to provide more useful information for clinical. Keyword: Duodentmi; Diverticuluni; X-ray computed; Clinical value; Received: 2017-04-14 十二指肠憩室(duodenal diverticulum)是消化道常见病,在正常人群屮发生 率为1%~2%,而尸体检发生率则高达10%~20%山。本文就128层VCT对十二指肠 憩室病诊断做初步分析,给临床提供多有用信息。 1资料与方法 选取2016年1-12月15例患者,男10例,女5例;年龄75~90岁,平均年龄82. 5 岁。使用GE lightspeed 128层VCT扫描仪,图像进行工作站处理。检查前所有 患者空腹禁食。扫描前口服500^800 in L纯净水作对比剂来充盈胃肠道。所有患 者均进行平扫+三期增强(动脉期、门脉期、平衡期),增强扫描采用120 k V, 400 m A, 0. 6 mm层厚,动脉期在注射造影剂后30 s内完成。扫描后图像传输 工作站并进行多平面重建处理。造影剂采用非离子型,速度3 m L/s,总量100 m Lo 2结果 15例患者均检岀


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