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北师大版小学六年级英语下册期末试卷 一、找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。  (10 分) ( ( ( ( (  )1. A. big )2. A. work )3. A. sorry )4. A. yesterday )5. A. hear  B. six B. wall B. brother B. family B. pear  C. nice C. whose C. some C. day C. ear  D. miss D. watch D. does D. Monday D. near 二、请你按要求完成下列各题。 (10 分) I) 1. shoes(单数 ) ___shoe_______ 2. bus(复数 ) ____buses______ 3. dont( 完全形式 ) _____do not_____ 4. me(主格 ) ___i_______ 5. too(同音词 ) _____to____ ( II)翻译下面的短语 1. 二瓶果汁 ___two botter of _juice_______ 2. put on ___放上来 ________ 3. 在树下 __under the tree_________ 4. 双胞胎兄弟 ___twins______brother__ 5. how much ____多少 _______ 三、根据题意,用所给词的适当形式填空。 (10 分 ) Can I have ___an___(a) orange? She _likes____(like) to play the flute. He __has___(have) got a skipping rope. Please give __me___(I) a cup of tea. Lets go _shopping____(shop) with my mother! Da Ming comes from China,he is __chinese___(China). How many _hours____(hour) are there in a day? Lucy __looks___(look) like her father. 9. “Here you are. thanks”“__ (thank). ” She __watches____(watch) TV every evening. 四、选择填空。 (30 分) ( c )1. Whats this in English? _____ a jeep. A. This is B. Thats C. Its D. it is ( a )2. Wheres the bag? A. Its in the car. B. They are here. C. There are. D. Here are. (d )3. Whats that man? A. Hes my brother. B. Yes, he is. C. Shes a teacher. D. Hes a teacher. (a )4. Its _____ my new car. A. / B. a C. is D. isnt (c ) 5. ____ a cat. A. This B. Thiss C. This is D. That ( c )6. Look ____ the nice car. A. to B. and C. at D. in ( a )7. Its nine oclock. I must ______. A. go home B. go to home C. to go home D. go the home ( ) 8. _____ you see the blackboard? A. Do B. Are C. Is D. Can ( d )9. Please give ____ a cup of tea. A. she B. he C. I D. him ( c ) 10. Its time ____ play games. A. in B. on C. for D. to ( a )11. The man _______ the photo is my father. A. in B. on the C. in the D. under ( b )12. _____ name is Mike. A. I B. My C. Me D. mine (b )13. Who is the _____? He is my uncle. A. boy B. man C. woman D. girl ( b )14. _____ you l


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