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奥巴马敦促国会提高债务上限 Obama warns of ‘headwinds’ if Congress fails to lift debt ceiling 英国《金融时报》 斯蒂芬妮?基希格斯纳 华盛顿报道 A failure by Congress to increase US borrowing authority by August 2 would have a “significant and unpredictable” impact on capital markets and the US economy, Barack Obama has warned. 美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)警告称,假如国会未能在8月2日之前提高政府债务上限,将对资本市场和美国经济产生“重大且不可预料的”影响。 “We don’t know how capital markets will react,” the US president said on Wednesday. “The headwinds we are already experiencing will get worse.” “我们不知道资本市场会作何反应,”奥巴马周三表示,“我们已经面临的不利因素将变得更糟。” The remarks at Mr Obama’s first press conference since March came as the International Monetary Fund said financial markets would face a “severe shock” if the US did not move quickly to increase its borrowing authority. 就在奥巴马在3月份以来首次新闻发布会上发表上述言论的同时,国际货币基金组织(IMF)也表示,如果美国未能迅速提高债务上限,金融市场将面临一次“严重冲击”。 Mr Obama also made his most forceful argument to date in support of tax increases on wealthy Americans and the oil industry as part of a deal to reduce the deficit and raise the debt ceiling. He said he believed Republicans would eventually back down from their absolute objection to any tax rise. 奥巴马还以迄今为止最有力的措辞,支持对美国富人和石油行业增税,作为减少赤字和提高债务上限方案的一部分。他表示相信,共和党人最终会让步,不再一味反对任何增税计划。 “Before we ask seniors to pay more for healthcare?.?.?.?I think it is only fair to ask an oil company or a private jet owner that has done so well to give up that tax break. I don’t think that’s real radical. I think the majority of Americans agree with that.” “在让老年人为医疗支付更多钱之前……我认为,要求石油公司或私人飞机的拥有者放弃税收减免肯定是公平的。我不认为这个要求很过分。我想大多数美国人是同意这一点的。” Mr Obama offered a hopeful assessment of negotiations in Congress to increase the debt ceiling even though talks have been stymied by partisan bickering over Democrats’ insistence that some tax increases be included in the mix. 尽管民主党人坚持要纳入某些增税,导致两党争吵不休,有关上调债务上限的讨论搁浅,但奥巴马对国会通过谈判增加债务上限作出了有希望的评估。 His assessment seemed rooted in the idea that Republicans would face political pressure from constituents if they continued


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