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30 6 V ol . 30, No . 6
20 10 12 Bulletin of So il and Water Co nserv atio n Dec. , 20 10
1, 2 2, 3
高佩玲 , 雷廷武
1. , 255049 ; 2 .
, 712100; 3. , 1000 83 )
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: A : 1000- 2 88X 2010) 06- 0158- 04 : S 157 . 1, P 334
Dynamic Simulation Method for Catchment Hydrologic and Soil Erosion Processes
1 2, 3
GA O Pe-i ling , L EI T ing-w u
( 1. Col lege of Resources and Env ironment Engineering , Shandong Univ ers ity of
Technology, Zibo, Shandong 255049, China; 2. S tate K ey aboratory of S oil Erosion and Dry land
Farming on the oess Plateau, Institute of S oil and Water Conservation, CA S and M WR , Yang ling , Shaanx i
712100, China; 3. Faculty of Irrigation and Civil E ngineering , Chi na Ag ricultural University , Beij ing 100083, China)
Abstract: Dynam ic modeling of hydrolog ic and soil erosion processes in cat chment needs appr opriat e sim ula-
t ion methods to handle t he w at er and sediment t ransfer o n hillslope and in channel, as w ell as t he initial and
bo undary condit io ns . Soil erosion in w at ershed , as a spat ially and t em por al ly co upled process, is divided int o
soil er osion in channels and soil ero
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