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2009 11 20 9 6 Chin J Inf ect Chemot her , N ov em ber1 2009, V ol1 9, N o1 6 427
# #
T L R4
袁伟锋, 黄文杰
: , T o ll s 4 ( T L R4) Asp29 9G ly
P CR , 60 4 0 T LR4
A sp29 9 Gly , T LR4 A sp2 99 Gly
, A sp2 99 Gly ,
T L R4 A sp2 99 Gly
: T o ll 4
: R563 . 1 : A : 10 09- 770 8( 20 09) 0 6- 0427- 03
Correlation betweenpolymorphism of Toll-like receptor4 geneandseverityof pneumonia
YUAN Wei-f eng, H UAN G Wen-j ie. (Dep artmentof Resp iratory M edicine, GeneralH osp ital of LA
Guangz hou M ilitary Area Command, Guangzhou 510 010, China)
Abstract: Objective T o determ ine the relat ion ship betw een T o l-l like r ecepto r 4 ( T L R4) gene A sp2 99 Gly po ly morphism and
hum an su sceptibilit y to pneumo nia o r sev erit y o f pneumo nia. Methods Six ty pat ient s w ith pneumonia and 4 0 healthy contro ls re-
siding in Gu ang zho u, China w ere enr olled. Blo od samples w ere obtained fro m all subject s . DN A samples w ere ex tr act ed f ollow-
ing the instr u ct ion s of Bloo d G eno m e D NA Ex tractio n K it . T he sequ ence containing A sp2 99 Gly allele ( A y G) w as amplif ied .
T he PCR pro du ct s w ere conf irm ed by ag aro se g el electro pho resis and sequ enced . In additio n, clinical data of all pneumo nia p a-
t ient s w ere docum ented. esults T he A sp2 99 Gly allele of the T L R4 gene w as not identif ied in all 100 sp ecim ens of the Cant one-
se. T he pr evalence o f T LR4 genoty pes w as essentially t he sam e betw een pneumo nia p atient s and co nt ro l subject s . Fur ther-
mo re, ther e w as al so no asso ciatio n w ith the subg ro up of pneumo nia p atient s ( sever e pneumonia or non- sever e pneumonia) .
Conclusions Our f inding s indicate t hat T L R4 g ene Asp29 9G ly polymo rphism dose not influ e
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