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PAGE 1 - MACROBUTTON MTEditEquationSection2 SEQ MTEqn \r \h SEQ MTSec \r 1 \h SEQ MTChap \r 1 \h 宽带电力线通信动态子载波分配算法研究* 曹旺斌,杨蓉,尹成群 (华北电力大学 电气与电子工程学院 河北 保定 071003) 摘要:为了满足在额定功率有限的情况下,传输速率最大化。本文选择在低压宽带电力线信道条件下,分析2 MHz~100 MHz的宽带电力线信道特征与参数。利用已有电力线信道模型,通过迭代分块约束注水算法对电力线通信进行动态子载波分配,相比传统的注水算法,改进之后的算法能更好的根据电力线信道约束条件给子载波分配功率,得到更优的信道容量。 关键词:电力线信道;信道模型;注水算法;子载波分配;功率;信道容量 中图分类号:TM933 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1390(2018)00-0000-00 Research on dynamic subcarrier allocation in broadband power line communication Cao Wangbin,, Yang Rong,, Yin Chengqun (School of Electrical Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, Hebei, China) Abstract:: In order to maximize the transmission rate with with the certain rated power. , This this paper analyzes the channel characteristics and parameters of 2-100MHz broadband power line communication under the conditions of low-voltage power line communication channel. Using existed power line communication channel model, the The iterative block constraint allocation algorithm can dynamic dynamically allocate subcarrier of power line communication through using the existed power line communication channel model, . comparedCompared with the traditional water flooding injection algorithm, the improved algorithm can better constraints for subcarrier allocation according to the power line communication channel power and get better channel capacity. Keywords:: PLC channel; , channel model; , water injection algorithm; , subcarrier allocation; , power; , channel capacity PAGE 2 0 引 言 电力线载波通信技术用现有的电力线架构,对有效传输高质量的通信信号具有重大的经济效益和社会效益 REF _Ref10346 \r \h [1- REF _Ref501351616 \r \h 3]。在为客户提供服务的低压或中压配电网上安装较高速的电信网络通常被称为宽带接入系统。一般宽带PLC接入系统传输信号的频率范围是2 MHz~80 MHz REF _Ref501306996 \r \h [4]。电力线主要是为了实现传输电能,电力线信道存在诸多问题,其中包括阻抗小、信号衰减强、干扰大和多径时延等 REF _Ref10463 \r \h [5]。正交频分复用(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, OFDM) 技术在抗频率选择性衰落、抗多径时延、提高传输速率和频带利用率具有突出优势 REF _Ref501564119 \r \h [6],适用于电力线通信


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