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第1 卷 第3期 集  成  技  术 Vol. 1 No. 3 2012年9月 JOURNAL OF INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGY Sep. 2012 服务机器人的研究现状与发展趋势 宋章军 (中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院 深圳 518055) 摘  要  机器人技术代表一个国家的高科技水平和自动化程度,了解和分析国内外的研究现状和必威体育精装版进展有助于加快我国 服务机器人行业的发展。近年来,清洁机器人和教育机器人在我国已经大规模销售,娱乐机器人和安防机器人市场正在 培育和快速发展中,医疗机器人市场处于大规模应用的萌芽状态。为了在这一巨大市场中分一杯羹,在服务机器人领域 缩短与发达国家的差距,有必要紧紧抓住服务机器人更高智能化、模块化和网络化的技术发展趋势,围绕实现服务机器 人智能化、模块化和网络化的集成技术展开研究。 关键词  服务机器人;研究现状;发展趋势;市场预测 The Current Situation and Development Trend of Service Robot Research SONG Zhang-jun ( Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518055, China ) Abstract The technology of the robot represents a national high-tech level and the degree of automation. It is helpful to develop the industry of service robots in China if we know the current situation and development trend of service robots research clearly. Recently, robotic cleaners and educational robots have been in great demand. Entertainment robots and surveillance robots are developed rapidly and the market expands quickly. Medical robots begin to enter the modern life and have played an important role in the modern surgery. To satisfy the great market and shorten the distance between China and developed countries, it is necessary to capture the development trend of the technology of service robots. RD on service robots should focus on the integrated technologies on intelligence, modularization and network. Keywords service robot; current situation; development trend; market predetermination 助于加快我国服务机器人行业的发展。本文在介绍国 1 引 言 内外服务机器人发展现状的基础之上,总结出服务机


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