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PAGE 1 安徽汽车职业技术学院 毕业设计 课题:STT智能节油系统的设计 专业:汽车制造与转配技术 班级:10-08 姓名:许世伟 指导老师:黄波 摘要 越来越多的人开始关注城市大气污染“PM2.5颗粒”这个新词。在北京这样机动车数量超过500万辆的城市,PM2.5颗粒污染大多数来自汽车尾气排放。尤其在怠速状态下,PM2.5污染物的排放是顺畅行驶时的五倍以上。针对怠速时的尾气污染和燃油浪费,一些欧洲汽车厂家如奔驰宝马开始研发采用“怠速停车”智能节油系统,在消除怠速等待时的有害气体排放以及节油效果取得了不错的成效。据统计,我国大城市一般道路的怠速停车时间比例达到10%,主干道甚至高达50%以上。运用“怠速启停智能节油系统”在一般路况条件下可节约8%的燃油,而在拥堵路段中最高可以节约15%左右的燃油,对消费者来说意义重大。 本文论述了智能节油系统的功能、特性、主要结构、工作原理和日常的使用,通过对智能节油系统部分部件的改进设计,使其更好的适应日常的使用,同时论述了智能节油系统的系统化、模块化设计方法,以及智能节油系统的智能控制,并举例做出简单介绍。 关键词:PM2.5颗粒 智能节油系统 怠速启停 智能节油系统的智能控制 ABSTRACT More and more people begin to pay close attention to urban atmospheric pollution PM2.5 particles the new word. Such vehicles in Beijing more than 5 million cars city, PM2.5 particle pollution, most from automobile emission. Especially in the idle state, PM2.5 emissions of pollutants is smooth driving more than five times. In idling process of tail gas pollution and fuel waste, some European auto makers such as Benz BMW started developing the idle stop intelligent fuel system, eliminate idle while waiting in the harmful gas emissions and oil saving effect achieved good results. According to statistics, in the big cities of China general road idle speed stopping time ratio reached 10%, main road even as high as 50% above. Using the idle start-stop intelligent oil saving system in general traffic conditions can save 8% of the fuel, but in the congestion in the section of the highest can save about 15% of fuel, is of great significance for consumers. This paper discusses the intelligent oil saving system functions, characteristics, main structure, working principle and daily use, through to the intelligence of the fuel system parts design improvement, make it better adapt to the day-to-day use, at the same time, this paper discusses the intelligent oil saving system of systematic, modular design method, and intelligent oil saving system of intelligent control, and an example is introduced to make simple. Keywords


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