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2018年8月 北 京 邮 电 大 学 学 报 Aug.2018 第41卷 第4期 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Vol.41No.4 摇 摇 文章编号:1007鄄5321(2018)04鄄0110鄄09 DOI:10.13190/ j.jbupt.2017鄄212 5G控制信道极化码的研究 吴湛击,摇 吴摇 熹 (北京邮电大学 信息与通信工程学院,北京 100876) 摘要:极化码是第五代移动通信(5G)的重要信道编码,是被用于增强移动宽带场景控制信道的纠错编码. TS 38. 212协议规定的5G鄄Polar码存在3种码字结构,但没有给出设计的原因和对应的译码方法. 为此,介绍了5G鄄Polar 码的可靠性序列设计方法和速率匹配方法,并分析了不同类型的码字构造原理、关键特征及相应的译码算法. 通过 对不同结构类型Polar码的性能和复杂度的对比,分析了各种结构类型的适用条件及原因. 同时,通过仿真定量地 给出了5G鄄Polar码在短码条件下相比于LTE TBCC和5G鄄LDPC码的性能优势. 关摇 键摇 词:极化码;增强移动宽带;速率匹配;分布式循环冗余校验 中图分类号:TN911郾22摇 摇 摇 摇 文献标志码:A Survey of Polar Codes for Control Channels in5G WU Zhan鄄ji,摇 WU Xi (School of Information and Communication Engineering,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing 100876,China) Abstract:Polarcodesareimportantchannelcodingforthefifthgenerationmobilecommunication (5G), which are already used for control channels for enhance mobile broadband (eMBB) scenarios. At pres鄄 ent,the5G鄄polar codes specified in the 3GPP TS 38.212 standard have three code structures,but the design reasons and corresponding decoding methods have not been given yet. Firstly, the reliability sequence design and rate鄄matching method are introduced,and then the principle,the key feature and the decoding algorithm of every code structure are analyzed. Through the performance and complexity comparison analysis of three kinds of polar codes,the applicable condition and reason for each code structure are detailed. At the same time,the performance advantages of the short鄄size5G鄄polar codes o鄄 ver LTE TBCC and5G鄄LDPC codes are given quantitatively by computer simulat


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