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27 1 河 北 工 业 科 技 Vo l. 27 , N o. 1
20 10 1 H ebei J ournal o f Indu st rial Science and T echnolo gy Jan . 2009
1008- 1534( 20 10) 0 1- 0063-03
, , , ,
( 河北科技大学化学与制药工程学院, 河北石家庄 050018)
氯乙酸是一种十分重要的医药染料 药纤维素衍生物的中间体, 其市场需求不断增大,
发展和应用前景十分广阔简要叙述了氯乙酸合成方法的研究进展情况, 介绍了二氯乙酸反应机
理和深度氯化原因, 并结合氯乙酸现有合成方法的优缺点, 提出了解决深度氯化的见解, 对酸酐法
氯乙酸; 二氯乙酸; 深度氯化
O623 A
Discu ssion of chloroacet ic acid sy nt hesis and dept h chloriding
H U Guo- sheng, SH A N G H u-i jian, L I M ing, X U Li- li, ZH EN G X u e- ming
( College of Chem ical and Ph arm aceutical Engineering , Hebei University of Science and Technolog y , Shij iazhu ang Hebei 050018, China)
Abstract:T he research dev elo pm ent of sy nthesis m ethods o f chlor oacetic acid w as intro du ced, and the m ech anism of dichlo ro-
catic acid and the necessit y o f deep chlo rination w ere discu ssed . So m e advices f o r deep chlo rinatio n w ere put f o rw ard , and t he
pro sp ect of anhydride m ethod w as also put f or w a rd .
Key words: chlo roacetic acid ; dichlo roacetic acid ; depth chloriding
( , M CA A ) 1
, 1. 1
2 2 2
, , ClCH CCl + 2 H O ClCH CO O H + 2H Cl
[ 1~ 5]
, 130~ 150 ,
, , , 50% , 1% ~
12% ~ 25% ( , 2% , , ,
) , 90% ,
, , ( 1 t
, , 30% 2. 57 t ) , ,