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医学信息2018 年11 月第31 卷第21 期 Medical Information Nov. 2018 Vol. 31 No.21 诊疗技术 易评分法对急性胰腺炎病情严重程度评估的价值 咏梅 阎国宝 渊鄂尔多斯市中心医院消化内科 内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 017000冤 摘 要 目的 词探讨简易评分法对于急性胰腺炎的临床应用价值遥方法 选取2011 年3 月~2016 年10 月鄂尔多斯市中心医院 临床诊断为急性胰腺炎的患者120 例 分别采用简易评分法尧APACHE 尧Ranson尧CTSI 评分法对患者评分遥比较4 种评分标准 诊断重症胰腺炎的阳性率尧敏感度尧特异度遥 结果 简易评分法诊断重症胰腺炎的阳性率为11.67% 与APACHE 比较 差异有 统计学意义渊 0.05冤 但敏感度与APACHE 接近遥简易评分法与Ranson尧CTSI 诊断重症胰腺炎的阳性率比较 差异无统计学 意义渊 跃0.05冤遥 在诊断重症胰腺炎的特异度方面 简易评分法最高 为97.37%遥 结论 简易评分法诊断重症胰腺炎的阳性率尧敏 感度与其他方法接近 特异度在较高范围 评估方法简便 无时限性遥 关键词 简易评分法曰急性胰腺炎曰阳性率曰敏感度 中图分类号 R657.51 文献标识码 A DOI 10.3969/j .issn.1006-1959.2018.21.049 文章编号 1006-1959渊2018冤21-0167-03 The Value of Simple Scoring Method in Evaluating the Severity of Acute Pancreatitis LI Yong-mei,YAN Guo-bao (Department of Digestive Medicine,Ordos Central Hospital,Ordos 017000,Inner Mongolia,China) Abstract Obj ective To evaluate the clinical value of simple scoring method in acute pancreatitis. Methods From March 2011 to October 2016, 120 patients with acute pancreatitis were selected from Ordos Central Hospital. The patients were scored by simple score method, APACHE and Ranson,CTSI scoring method respectively and compare the positive rate, sensitivity and specificity of the four scoring criteria in the diagnosis of severe pancreatitis. Results The positive rate of simple scoring method in the diagnosis of severe pancreatitis was 11.67% . The difference was statistically significant compared with that of APACHE ( 0.05).But the sensitivity is close to that of APACHE .There was no significant difference between the simple score method and Ranson,CTSI in the diagnosis of severe pancreatitis ( 跃0.05)


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