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SSFZ9-90000/220/115/35 三绕组有载调压 电力变压器电磁计算 摘要 变压器理论是电机学的一个分支。尽管变压器是一个静止电气设 备,但由于高电压、大容量变压器的出现,变压器理论同样是一门复杂的 学科,所涉及知识面广,难度也很大。本文主耍介绍了电力变压器的发展 历史,并且针对SSFZ9-90000/220/115/35三相三绕组有载调压电力变压器 进行了简单的电磁计算和设计,其中计算部分包括:变压器的电路计算、 变压器的磁路计算、变压器短路阻抗计算、变压器的绝缘、变压器温升计 算、变压器电动力计算、变压器整体重量计算等。本文重点放在理论与实 践的沟通,对于每一参数的选取、每一系数的取值范围,都经过认真思 考,并向老师询问,再进行计算,在计算中,也尽量结合工程实际,以及 保证误差在工程上允许的范围内。最后的运算结果符合国家标准,完成了 变压器的电磁计算。 关键词 变压器;短路阻抗;电磁计算 The calculation and design of SSFZ9- 90000/220/115/35 three winding load variation power transformer Abstract Transfonner theory is also a complex subject, involving extensive knowledge, is also very difficult o This paper describes the development of historical of power transfonners, And for SSFZ9-90000/220/115/35 Three- winding power transformer load tap a simple electromagnetic calculation and design, some of which include the calculation: calculation of the transformer circuit, the transformer magnetic circuit calculation, transformer short circuit impedance calculation, transformer insulation, transformer temperature rise calculation, electric power transformer calculation, the overall weight of transformers and so on. This article focuses on communication theory and practice, for each parameter selection, the range of each factor, have been seriously thinking to the teacher about then calculated, in the calculation, but also try to combine engineering and ensure that errors in engineering to the extent permitted. The final calculation results to the national standard, completed the calculation of electromagnetic transfbrme匸 Keywords power transformer ; short-circuit; electromagnetic computing 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 摘要 I Abstract Il \o Current Document 第1章绪论 1 \o Current Document 1」我国电力变压器发展及发展趋势 1 \o Current Document 1.2我国现阶段企业生产变压器状况 1 \o Current Document 1.3变压器计算的一般程序 2 \o Current Document 1.4本课题的目的和意义 3 第2章 电力变压器设计计算 4 \o Current Document 2」技术条件 4 \o Current Document 2.2额定电压 电流计算 4 \o Current Document 2.2.1绕组的相电压 4 \o Current Document 2.2.2绕


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