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enter/o: intestine enteropathy: disease of the intestine. 肠病 enterocolitis: inflammation of the small intestine and colon. 小肠结肠炎 gastroenterologist: specialist in alimentary tract disorders. 胃肠病学家 gingiv/o: gums 龈 gingivae: gums 龈 chewing gum gingivitis: inflammation of the gums. 龈炎 gingivectomy: excision of the gums. 龈切除术 THANK YOU SUCCESS * * 可编辑 ile/o: ileum 回肠 ileocecal: cec/o cecum(盲肠), hence pertaining to the ileum and cecum. 回盲肠的 ileostomy: -stomy surgical opening to the outside of the body. 回肠造口术 ileitis: inflammation of the ileum. 回肠炎 ileectomy 回肠造口术: 将回肠通过腹壁拉出以塑造一个人工开口的手术。由此口排出肠内容物,因而绕过结肠。各种类型的袋子都可用于收集流出物。这种手术通常与结肠切除术同时进行。 jejun/o: jejunum空肠 gastrojejunostomy: surgical connection or opening between the stomach and jejunum. 胃空肠吻合术 jejunoileal: pertaining to the jejunum and ileum. 空肠回肠的 jejunotomy: incision of the jejunum. 空肠切开术 cholecystojejunostomy lingu/o: tongue lingual: pertaining to the tongue. sublingual: sub- under, hence pertaining to something that is under the tongue. 舌下的 linguodental: pertaining to the tongue and tooth. 舌牙的 -megaly: enlargement splenomegaly: splen/o the spleen, hence enlargement of the spleen. 脾大, 脾肿大, 巨脾 hepatomegaly: enlargement of the liver. 肝肿大 cardiomegaly: enlargement of the heart. 心肥大 micro-: small microscope: an apparatus used to magnify small objects. 显微镜 microscopic: pertaining to extremely small size. 显微镜(下)的, 微观的 micronodular: pertaining to small nodules. 小结的 nas/o: nose nasal: pertaining to the nose. nasogastic: pertaining to the nose and stomach. 鼻胃的 nasopalatine: pertaining to the nose and palate. 鼻腭的 palatoplasty nasal septum 鼻中隔 or/o: mouth oropharynx: the area of the throat at the back of the mouth. 口咽的 oral: pertaining to the mouth. oralogy: study of the mouth. 口腔学 (stomatology 口腔医学, 牙医学) pancreat/o: pancreas 胰腺\胰脏 pancreatic: pertaining to the pancreas. pancreatitis: inflammation of the pancreas. 胰腺炎 pancreatin: one of the digestive ferments of the pancreatic juice. 胰液素 pharyng/o: phar


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